Study on solder joint reliability of ceramic ball grid array component based on design of experiment

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Four process parameters, pad diameter, stencil thickness, ball diameter and stand-off were chosen as four control factors. By using an L_ 25 (56) orthogonal array the ceramic ball grid array (CBGA) solder joints which have 25 different combinations of process parameters were designed. The numerical models of all the 25 CBGA solder joints were developed using the Surface Evolver. Utilizing the surface coordinate exported from the 25 CBGA solder joints numerical models, the finite element analysis models were set up and the nonlinear finite element analysis of the CBGA solder joints under thermal cycles were performed by ANSYS. The thermal fatigue life of CBGA solder joint was calculated using Coffin-Manson equation. Based on the calculated thermal fatigue life results, the range analysis and the variance analysis were performed. The results show that the fatigue life of CBGA solder joint is affected by the pad diameter, the stencil thickness, the ball diameter and the stand-off in a descending order, the best combination of process parameters results in the longest fatigue life is 0.07mm stand-off, 0.125mm stencil thickness of, 0.85mm ball diameter and 0.89mm pad diameter. With 95% confidence the pad diameter has a significant effect on the reliability of CBGA solder joints whereas the stand-off, the stencil thickness and the ball diameter have little effect on the reliability of CBGA solder joints. Four processes parameters, pad diameter, stencil thickness, ball diameter and stand-off were chosen as four control factors. By using an L_25 (56) orthogonal array the ceramic ball grid array (CBGA) solder joints which have 25 different combinations of process The numerical models were designed. The numerical models of all the 25 CBGA solder joints were developed using the Surface Evolver. Utilizing the surface coordinate exported from the 25 CBGA solder joints numerical models, the finite element analysis models were set up and the nonlinear finite element analysis of the CBGA solder joints under thermal cycles were performed by ANSYS. The thermal fatigue life of CBGA solder joint was calculated using Coffin-Manson equation. Based on the calculated thermal fatigue life results, the range analysis and the variance analysis were performed. The results show that the fatigue life of CBGA solder joint is affected by the pad diameter, the stencil thickness, the ball diameter and the stand-off in a des cending order, the best combination of process parameters results in the longest fatigue life is 0.07mm stand-off, 0.125mm stencil thickness of, 0.85mm ball diameter and 0.89mm pad diameter. With 95% confidence the pad diameter has a significant effect on the reliability of CBGA solder joints and the stand-off, the stencil thickness and the ball diameter have little effect on the reliability of CBGA solder joints.
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【内容摘要】情景教学益于学生情感的培养、拓展思维能力、发挥想象空间、智力的开发;运用多种手段创设情境是思想政治课保持活力的一种有效方式,是思想政治课教学改革的趋势,可促使教学方法、师生关系有突破性的变化;教师应该具备四个方面的素质。  【关键词】情景教学 有效 提升  所谓情境教学法指的是教师根据课文所描绘的情景,创设出形象鲜明的投影图画片,复制生动的文学语言,并借助音乐的艺术感染力,再现课文所描