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高考历史试卷(Ⅱ)为主观试题,由材料解析和问答两种题型组成。此类题型有利于对考生分析、归纳、概括能力和书面表达能力的全面考查。1998年高考历史试卷(Ⅱ)的三道材料解析题和两道问答题,对考生来说是熟悉的历史知识,虽然所列材料的文字通俗,内容易懂,指向要求清晰具体;虽然比较性试题是近几年高三教师在复习中对学生训练的重点,但是考生仍旧失分严重。主观试题总分69分,超过60分者抽样统计不到5%,大多数考生的成绩在45分之下。原因有以下四个方面:1.审题粗心,看错题目要求例如:第45题:根据材料评述中国代表团在巴黎和会上的外交努力。题目要求十分明确集中:回答内容包括外交努力的主要目标、经过、结果及其评价。答题 The college entrance examination history test (II) is a subjective examination question, which consists of two types of questions: material analysis and question and answer. This type of question is conducive to a comprehensive examination of the candidates’ analysis, induction, generalization ability and written expression ability. The three material analysis questions and two essay questions for the 1998 college entrance examination history test (II) are familiar historical knowledge for candidates, although the listed materials are popular, easy to understand, and point to requirements that are clear and specific; The examination questions are the focus of the senior high school teachers on student training during the review in recent years, but the candidates are still seriously distracted. The subjective questions have a total score of 69. For those who exceed 60 points, less than 5% of the samples are sampled, and most of the candidates’ scores are below 45 points. The reasons include the following four aspects: 1. Careless examination of the questions, mistakenly asked questions, for example: Question 45: According to the material commentary on the diplomatic efforts of the Chinese delegation at the Paris Peace Conference. The title requirements are very clear and focused: The answers include the main objectives, processes, results, and evaluations of diplomatic efforts. Answer
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