坚持原则 执行政策 依靠党政 防止挤占挪用收购资金

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农发行山西省浑源县支行成立于1996年底,当时粮食系统有25个企业,其中11个处于歇业或半歇业状态。在6788万元粮食贷款中,就有4368万元被企业挤占挪用,直接库存值仅有2420万元,其中还有209万元尚属历年欠农民的“白条”顶库,实际直接库存值仅为贷款的32.5%,企业欠银行历年利息387万元。针对上述情况,该行将工作重点放在防止企业挤占挪用收购资金上。回顾和总结两个年度的“防挪用”工作,可概括为:审时度势,防患未然;执行规定,加强控制;坚持制度,搞好检查;坚持真理,不畏恐吓;依靠党政,收回资金;执行政策,堵住漏洞;坚持原则,实施制裁;银企共建,确保专款专用。审时度势,防患未然该行成立之初的1997年1月,正值’96粮食跨年度收购旺季。第一,粮食大丰收创历史最高水平,农民售粮积极性 Agricultural Development Bank Shanxi Province, Hunyuan County branch was established in late 1996, when the food system has 25 companies, of which 11 are in the closed state or semi-closed state. Among the 67.88 million yuan of grain loans, 43.68 million yuan were diverted by enterprises and the direct inventory value was only 24.2 million yuan, of which 2.09 million yuan still belonged to the “white strip” top depositors owed to peasants over the years, and the actual direct inventory The value of only 32.5% of loans, corporate debt owed to banks over the calendar year 3870000 yuan. In response to the above situation, the bank will focus its efforts on preventing misappropriation of funds by enterprises. Review and summarize the work of “preventing misappropriation” in the two years, which can be summarized as follows: the situation of precaution should be checked and preventive measures should be taken; the regulations should be enforced; the control should be strengthened; the system should be inspected; the inspection should be conducted; the truth should be insisted; Implement policies to plug loopholes; adhere to the principle of implementing sanctions; banks and enterprises to build, to ensure that earmarking. Evaluation of the situation, take precautionary measures The Bank was first established in January 1997, coincided with the ’96 grain acquisition season across the board. First, the bumper harvest of grain hit the highest level in history and peasants are selling grain
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