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一般认为白细胞在心肌梗塞的治愈过程中,对清除坏死心肌和组织修复有作用。近年发现白细胞可使心肌损害加重,引起再灌注障碍。可能与白细胞释放细胞毒性化学介质如溶酶体酶和活性氧等,直接损害心肌,释放血收缩物质引起血流障碍有关。推测白细胞有可能诱发冠脉痉挛。 白细胞释放的血管收缩物质有血栓素A_2(TXA_2)、血小板活化因子(PAF)、组胺、5—羟色胺等,特别是花生四烯酸经脂氧化酶作用的代谢产物自三烯(LT),对体外的血管标本有很强的平滑肌收缩作 Generally believed that leukocytes in the healing process of myocardial infarction, removal of necrotic myocardium and tissue repair have a role. In recent years, white blood cells can make myocardial damage worse, causing reperfusion disorders. May be related to leukocyte release of cytotoxic chemical mediators such as lysosomal enzymes and reactive oxygen species, which directly damage the myocardium and release blood constringent substances to cause blood flow disorders. Speculated that white blood cells may induce coronary spasm. Vasoconstrictor substances released by leukocytes are thromboxane A 2 (TXA 2), platelet-activating factor (PAF), histamine and serotonin, especially the metabolites of arachidonic acid via lipoxygenase from triene (LT) In vitro vascular specimens have a strong smooth muscle contraction
There are three formation stages of Silurian hydrocarbon pools in the Tarim Basin. The widely distributed asphaltic sandstones in the Tazhong (central Tarim) an
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据今年6月21日出版的西班牙《你好!》画报报道,西班牙十六世纪著名画家埃尔·格雷科(El Greco,约1541—1614)的名画《圣彼得像》在马德里附近的城镇博阿迪利亚·德尔蒙特以