
来源 :老年教育(老年大学) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:quyeliang
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为庆祝党的十八大胜利召开,11月17日,“今朝杯”延安第二届书法篆刻临作展在延安老年大学举办。延安市委老干部局副局长、老年大学校长赵荣山主持开幕式;市人大主任冯继红,副主任何文采,人大原主任郝飙,陕西省美协副主席、延安书法家协会主席张永革等领导和名家出席开幕式,并为获奖单位和人人颁发了奖牌、奖品和证书。延安市众多书法名家和书法爱好者参加了开幕式。这次书展共展出作品153幅,是延安书法名家和书法爱好者的精妙之作。他们用笔墨 To celebrate the victory of the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, Nov. 17, the “Present Cup” Yan’an Second Calligraphy and Seal Cutting Exhibition was held at Yan’an Geriatric University. Zhao Rongshan, deputy director of Yanan Municipal Bureau of Veteran cadres and senior director of the university presided over the opening ceremony; leaders and famous masters of Municipal People’s Congress Feng Jihong, deputy director He Wencai, former NPC deputy director Hao Biao, vice chairman of Shaanxi Provincial Association of Beauty, chairman of Yan’an Calligraphers Association attended the opening ceremony Style, and for the winning units and everyone presented medals, prizes and certificates. Yan’an City, many calligraphers and calligraphy enthusiasts attended the opening ceremony. This book fair has a total of 153 works on display, and is an exquisite work by Yan’an calligraphists and calligraphy enthusiasts. They use ink
我们2011年1月份拿到软银2.5亿美元巨额融资,总共用时是2.5个小时。怎样拿到投资?我觉得第一个是卖自己,第二是卖行业,第三是卖时间。 We get Softbank 250 million US doll