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今年是安徽文艺舞台比较活跃的一年,就大型专题文艺晚会而言,先后有欢庆香港回归大型音乐会《回归颂》,纪念中国人民解放军建军七十周年文艺晚会《八一颂》,这些晚会主题鲜明,手法新颖,气势恢宏,色彩斑斓,形成了一道绚丽多彩的艺苑风景线,给人们带来了多层次、多角度、多方位美的艺术享受,特别是赢得了广大青年观众的热烈欢迎。 在众多的专题文艺晚会中,第五届安徽省艺术节的开幕式和闭幕式两台晚会尤为成功。开幕式晚会是一台格调清新、内涵深刻、雅俗共赏、丰富多彩的综合性晚会,它生劝、形象地讴歌了百年盛典、万众欢腾、喜迎香港回归,这一举世华人的盛大节日的壮观画面,并以歌舞、诗朗诵、吹打乐、歌曲联唱,小品等多种艺术形式,以热烈明快、优美绚丽、朴实明快的多种样式充分表达人民对这百年盛事的心声。作为一名舞台技术工作者,特别要向这台晚会的舞美设计者学习。舞美设计者以新的视角,运用象征风帆的半透明景片为舞台基本造型,景片能启能合,使“景”走向自由,同时充分运用安徽剧院的升降,推拉舞台的功能,和多位自动吊杆,使舞台成为多时空、多层次的开放空间,扩大了演员表演的天地。而基本景片的风帆,恰好象征了1997年香港回归的航船风帆正驶向祖国的怀抱,驶向21世纪的新纪元,使“景”与“? This year is a relatively active year for the art stage in Anhui. In terms of large-scale thematic galas, it celebrated the return of Hong Kong to a large-scale concert, “Return to the Sombre,” commemorating the “August 1st Song of Arts and Culture”, the 70th anniversary of the PLA’s founding of the Chinese People’s Liberation Army. The theme of these parties is distinct, the method is novel, magnificent and colorful, forming a beautiful and colorful landscape of Art Gallery, bringing people a multi-level, multi-angle and multi-faceted artistic enjoyment, especially the warmth of the vast majority of young audiences. . Among the many theatrical performances, the opening ceremony and closing ceremony of the fifth Anhui Province Arts Festival were particularly successful. Opening ceremony party is a fresh, profound connotation, refined tastes, rich and colorful comprehensive party, it advised, vividly praised the 100th Festival, the public joy, welcome Hong Kong’s return, this grand festival of Chinese spectacular images And fully express people’s aspirations for this century-long event with various forms such as singing and dancing, poetry recitation, singing and dancing, singing and singing, sketches and other art forms in a warm, lively, beautiful, simple and lively style. As a stage technician, I particularly want to learn from the stage designers at this party. The stage designers can use a translucent scene symbolizing the sails as the basic stage shape with a new perspective. The scene can be opened and closed to make “Scenery” to freedom. At the same time, it fully utilizes the functions of elevators, Position automatic boom, the stage to become more space-time, multi-level open space, expanding the world of performers. The basic scenery of the sails, just a symbol of the return of Hong Kong in 1997 sailing sailing towards the embrace of the motherland, heading for a new era of the 21st century, so that “King” and "?
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摘要:当今中学生的心理健康日益受到社会关注,历史课堂教学应当担负心理健康教育的责任,并在这方面拥有独特的优越性。历史教师要利用历史学科的丰富资源,使心理健康教育在历史课堂中得到充分运用。  关健词:心理健康;历史教学    当今中学生的心理健康日益受到社会关注,学习缺乏毅力、不适应挫折、封闭自我等心理问题较为普遍地存在于当代中学生之中。历史课堂教学应当担负心理健康教育的责任,并在这方面拥有独特的优
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