
来源 :河南税务 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:johnnyhljy
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从今年起到本世纪末,实施规范化管理,是省地税局提出的强根固本兴税工程。如何将省地税局规范化管理付诸实施,我认为应着力抓好以下四个方面工作。 一、建立机制是前提。规范化管理是对机构分设以来“三基”建设、征管改革成果的巩固和深化。首先,要根据省地税局要求,因地制宜,围绕班子队伍建设、政务事务活动、税收征管、税政管理等方面,从规范单位和税干办税、办事、办公的行为、程序、效率、效果等入手,突出重点,解决好近期和远期的规范项目,制定好实施方案。其次,各级领导要高度重视,认真落实。各级一把手要负总责、抓协调,班子成员要积极主动抓好分管工作的规范化管理,明确目标和责任,一级抓一级,层层抓落实,建立起规范化管理的领导机制。第三,全员参与,分工归口抓好落实。规范化管理是一项全方位的兴税工程,需要各级、各部门和全体税干的积极参与和努力工作。要根据单位、部门的工作职责和税干的岗位职责,调查研究,集思广义,确定各部门和各岗位的规范任务和目标,建立督查机制,责任到人,抓好落实,力戒形式主义。 二、健全制度是基础。规范化管理的主要标志是以制度管人、理事、行政。地税工作需要从哪些方面规范,如何规范,几年来我们焦作市地税局已建立了一些行之有效的制度。当前要根据规范 Starting from this year to the end of this century, the implementation of standardized management is the provincial tax bureau’s strong root and constant taxation project. How to put the Provincial Bureau of Taxation standardized management put into practice, I think we should focus on the following four aspects of work. First, the establishment of mechanisms is the premise. Standardization management is the consolidation and deepening of the achievements in the “three bases” construction and the reform of collection and administration since the establishment of the institution. First of all, according to local taxation bureau requirements, according to local conditions, around the team building, government affairs activities, tax collection and management, tax administration, etc., from the normative units and taxes to do taxes, work, office work, procedures, efficiency, effectiveness, etc. , Give prominence to key issues, solve the short-term and long-term normative projects and formulate good implementation plans. Second, leaders at all levels should attach great importance to and seriously implement it. The top leaders at all levels should take the overall responsibility and grasp the coordination. The members of the team should take the initiative to do a good job in the standardized management of the work in charge, specifying the goals and responsibilities, grasping the implementation at different levels and implementing the leadership mechanism of standardized management. Thirdly, full participation and division of labor should be fully implemented. Standardized management is an all-encompassing taxation project that requires the active participation and hard work of all levels, departments and tax authorities. According to the work responsibilities of the units and departments and duties and responsibilities of the cadres, conduct investigation and study, brainstorming in a broad sense, determine the normative tasks and goals of various departments and posts, establish a mechanism of inspection, assign responsibilities to people, do a good job in implementing them, and abstinence from formalism . Second, a sound system is the foundation. The main symbol of standardized management is the system of management, directors, administration. Local tax work from what aspects of norms, how to regulate the past few years, we Jiaozuo City Local Taxation Bureau has established some effective system. According to the current specification
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