Reversal current observed in micro-and submicro-channel flow under non-continuous DC electric field

来源 :Chinese Physics B | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xmzhkj
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In practical applications of biochips and bio-sensors, electrokinetic mechanisms are commonly employed to manipulate and analyze the characteristics of single bio-molecules. To accurately and flexibly control the movement of single molecule within micro-/submicro-fluidic channels, the characteristics of current signals at the initial stage of the flow are systematically studied based on a three-electrode system. The current response of micro-/submicro-fluidic channels filled with different electrolyte solutions in non-continuous external electric field are investigated. It is found, there always exists a current reversal phenomenon, which is an inherent property of the current signals in micro/submicro-fluidics Each solution has an individual critical voltage under which the steady current value is equal to zero The interaction between the steady current and external applied voltage follows an exponential function. All these results can be attributed to the overpotentials of the electric double layer on the electrodes. These results are helpful for the design and fabrication of functional micro/nano-scale fluidic sensors and biochips. In practical applications of biochips and bio-sensors, electrokinetic mechanisms are commonly employed to manipulate and analyze the characteristics of single bio- molecules. Micro-/ submicro-fluidic channels, the characteristics of current signals at the initial stage of the flow are systematically studied based on a three-electrode system. The current response of micro- / submicro-fluidic channels filled with different electrolyte solutions in non-continuous external electric field are investigated. It is found, there always exists a current reversal phenomenon, which is an inherent property of the current signals in micro / submicro-fluidics Each solution has an individual critical voltage under which the steady current value is equal to zero The interaction between the steady current and external applied voltage follows an exponential function. All these results can be attributed to the overpotentials of the electr ic double layer on the electrodes. These results are helpful for the design and fabrication of functional micro / nano-scale fluidic sensors and biochips.
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