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山东省监沂市兰山区政府最近作出决定,对临沂市社会福利家用电器厂带头抗拒技术监督行政执法,围攻殴打执法人员和电视台记者的副厂长郑建权给予撤职处分,给予副厂长张洪军厂内警告处分,并责令该厂写出书面检查,向受到围攻殴打的技术监督行政执法人员和电视台记者赔礼道歉。去年第4季度,临沂市技术监督局组织对当地产品的定期抽查,临沂市社会福利家用电器厂生产的镇流器因耐压试验和电源电流两项指标不合格被判为不合格产品、今年1月上旬,临沂市技术监督局兰山分局到该厂进行“后处理”时,发现这个厂还在伪造产地、冒用他人厂名厂址进行生产的违法行为,马上立案调查。1月15日,兰山技术监督分局约请市有线电视台记者跟踪采访,再次来到电器厂调查取证。当记者在该厂仓库拍摄印有”上海港沿灯具厂”和“上海景星路483号”厂名厂址的包装箱时,该厂副厂长郑建权带领一伙工人进行阻挠,动手将执法人员和记者推出仓库,同时向厂里的门卫人员高喊:”把大门关上,一个也别让他们跑了!”随后,他们边谩骂边将执法人员推搡到了厂部办公室。来到办公室后,郑建权便指着带队去的兰山分局领导破口大骂。随着郑的叫骂声,七八个工人一涌而上,大打出手。另一个分局领导赶过去保护时,也被他们拳打脚踢。这时,厂里又有十几? Lanshan District, Shandong Province, the government has recently decided to Linyi City Social Welfare Household Electrical Appliance Factory take the lead to resist technical supervision and administrative law enforcement, assaulting law enforcement officers and television station’s deputy director Zheng Jianquan dismissed from punishment, to the factory director Zhang Hongjun factory And ordered the factory to write a written inspection and apologize to the technical supervision administrative law enforcement officials and the TV station reporters who were beaten and beaten by the siege. In the fourth quarter of last year, Linyi Technical Supervision organized regular spot checks on local products. The ballast produced by Linyi Social Welfare Household Appliance Factory was judged as unqualified due to the two tests of voltage withstand test and power supply current. In early January, Lanshan Branch of Linyi Technical Supervision Bureau to the factory for “post-processing”, found that the factory is still forging origin, fraudulent use of the name of the factory site for production of other illegal activities, and immediately investigate the case. January 15, Lanshan Technical Supervision Branch invited the city cable television reporter tracking interviews, once again came to the electrical plant investigation and evidence collection. When reporters in the factory warehouse shot “Shanghai Port along the lamp factory,” and “Shanghai Jingxing Road 483,” the factory name of the factory box, the factory deputy director Zheng Jianquan lead a group of workers to obstruct, hands-on law enforcement officers And reporters launched the warehouse, at the same time to the factory gatekeeper shouted: “The door closed, one also do not let them run!” Then they scolded the law enforcement officers pushed to the factory office. After arriving at the office, Zheng Jianquan pointed to the head of Lan Shan Branch who led the team to break the curse. With the scolding of Zheng, seven or eight workers a surge, hit the shot. When another branch leader rushed past to protect, they were also beaten and kicked. At this time, there are a dozen factories?
惹大祸  清末那会儿,凉州城出了一位画家,姓李名松,擅长画虎。但他却有个规矩,自己的画只赠有缘人,谁要是上门索要,或者是出钱买,对不起,一律不画。  这年秋天,凉州新来了个王知府,听说李松的画十分有名,便想弄一幅送给总督大人。府衙赵通判得知后,觉得这是个巴结上司的好机会,便径直来到了李松家索要。  赵通判进了李府,往太师椅上一坐,跷着二郎腿说:“李先生,新任知府王大人听说你虎画得不赖,打发我登门来