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在无限分布的含水层中,可以利用计算钻孔抽水水位降深的公式,来测求最经济合理的干扰井之间的距离。本文对钻孔具有越流或无越流补给、含水层等厚或不等厚的情况进行了研究。认为,取水构筑物的费用可因干扰井附加降深的减少而降低,其他费用可采取井距间单位长度的造价来表示。 In an infinitely distributed aquifer, the formula for calculating the drawdown of borehole pumping levels can be used to determine the distance between the most economically sound disturbance wells. In this paper, we study whether the borehole has more or no flow and the aquifer is of equal thickness or unequal thickness. It is considered that the cost of water intake structures can be reduced due to the decrease of the additional depth of the disturbing wells, and the other costs can be expressed in unit cost per well interval.
Ⅰ. VORBEMERKUNG. Die Ordnung Nagetiere umfasst sehr viele Arten und ist die verbreitetste Tiergruppe innerhalb der Saeugetiere. Sie macht mit ihren etwa 2800
The model of a village in east China will showcase the new look of the country’s rural areas during the 2010 Shanghai World Expo A two-story World Expo 2010 bu
德国科隆大学Bernd Heine和杜塞尔多夫大学Tania Kuteva合著的《世界语法化词典》(World Lexicon ofGrammaticalization,简称《词典》)2002年由剑桥大学出版社出版。该书收录
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据《www.memchina.com》报道,中芯国际12英寸芯片生产线最近在北京建成投产,这也是我国第一条12英寸芯片生产线,生产工艺达到0.13 μm的技术水平。此前,中芯国际已在上海建立
宜春地处赣西,2000年8月撤地设市,辖樟树、丰城、高安三市,上高、万载、宜丰、铜鼓、奉新、靖安六县和袁州区,总面积1.87万平方公里,总人口536万。 Yichun is located in we
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