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一个由中法两国生物学家、法学家和伦理学家共同组成的联合研究小组,将对“克隆人”技术可能带来的各种问题进行为期3年的共同研究,以求为克隆人立法提供建设性的建议。这是复旦大学知识产权研究中心主任张乃根教授不久前向新闻界透露的。由复旦大学、上海第二医科大学、上海社科院和法国巴黎第一大学合作开展的这个跨学科合作研究项目,初步拟定时间为3年,中法两国计划每年召开一次会议,对双方的研究进展和成果进行通报和深入探讨,并准备今年下半年在复旦大学召开的第一次研讨会,主题初步定为“克隆人——法律与社会:介绍与比较研究”。与会专家将着重从生物技术与法律两个方面,对克隆人技术可能为中法两国政府进行克隆人立法提供可行性建议。据了解,目前对于治疗性克隆和生殖性克隆这两种克隆技术,科学界和伦理学界有着不同的态度:对于以克隆人体器官,供医学研究和解决器官移植供体不足为主要目的的治疗性克隆技术,人们普遍能理解和坚持;但对于生殖性克隆,也就是“克隆人”因为担心对现有的人类伦理道德带来冲击太大,科学家、伦理学家以及各国政府和有关国际组织都明确表示反对。张教授说,目前,欧盟和美国都有相关规定对“克隆人” A joint research team of biologists, jurists and ethicists from China and France will conduct a three-year joint study of the possible problems posed by the “cloner” technology in the hope of serving as a clone Legislation provides constructive advice. This is the Fudan University Intellectual Property Research Center Professor Zhang Naigen recently revealed to the press. The interdisciplinary research project carried out jointly by Fudan University, Shanghai Second Medical University, Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences and First Université Paris de France has a tentative planning period of three years. China and France plan to hold an annual meeting to discuss the two sides’ Research progress and achievements for the briefing and in-depth discussion, and prepare for the first seminar held in Fudan University in the second half of this year. The theme of the symposium is “Human Cloning - Law and Society: Introduction and Comparative Study”. Participants will focus on biotechnology and law from two aspects, the human cloning technology may provide both the Chinese and French cloning legislation to provide the feasibility of the proposal. It is understood that at present for the two therapeutic cloning and reproductive cloning technology, science and ethics have different attitudes: for the cloning of human organs, for medical research and to solve the problem of donor transplantation for the main purpose of the therapeutic Cloning technology, people generally understand and adhere to; but for reproductive cloning, that is, “clone” because of fear of impact on the existing human ethics too much, scientists, ethics and national governments and relevant international organizations are Clearly opposed. Professor Zhang said that at present, the EU and the United States have relevant provisions on the “clone”
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澳大利亚几乎80%维护F-111战斗机的成员抱怨他们的工作使他们丧失记忆和头痛。 2/3的员工说,他们目前仍继续在低下的健康状况中受苦。前任澳航的医务指导艾利唐纳尔森医生告诉澳大利亚国
劳社厅函[2001]125号北京市劳动和社会保障局: 你局《关于请求对“法定退休年龄”概念予以解释的请示》 (京劳社办文~2001]27号)收悉。经研究,答复如下: 1999年3月我部下发的
实行行政执法责任制是推进依法行政的重要措施。本文通过对行政执法责任制概念 和法律依据的分析明确了行政执法责任制的内容、目的、及其制度构成,最后并指出了行 政执法责任
主持人: 我在1975年被招入松藻工矿贸易公司为计划内临时工,经历了全员劳动合同制并订立了合同,个人从1993年开始缴纳养老保险费,一直工作至今,今年8月符合退休条件。但向有