在腐败懦弱的清政府中,第一个公开反对割让香港的官员是著名爱国大臣邓廷桢。 1840年英国发动鸦片战争,攻占了浙江定海,直逼天津。昏庸无能的道光皇帝下令罢免爱国抗英大臣林则徐、邓廷桢等人的官职,改派投降派琦善到广州与英军议和。英方乘机提出了一系列苛刻议和条件,其中包括割让香港。琦善怕道光不予批准,迟迟不敢签约。
Among the cowardly Qing government, the first official who publicly opposed the cessation of Hong Kong was the famous patriotic minister Deng Tingzhen. Britain launched the Opium War in 1840, capturing Zhejiang Dinghai, almost equal to Tianjin. Inconstitutional Emperor Daoguang ordered the recall of officials of the Patriotic Anti-British Ministers Lin Zexu and Deng Tingzhen, and they were sent to send capitals to Guangzhou and the British military. The British side took the opportunity to come up with a series of harsh terms and conditions, including the cession of Hong Kong. Qi did not approve Daoguang approval, delay signing.