优化资源配置 持续深化合作 中国石油与中国航油携手供航煤

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CPD讯1月18日,中国石油天然气集团公司与中国航空油料集团公司在北京签署2013年度航空煤油供应框架协议。中国石油集团董事长、党组书记蒋洁敏,总经理、党组成员周吉平,中国航油集团董事长、党委书记孙立,总经理、党委副书记朱永出席签约仪式。双方就继续发挥各自优势,进一步深化合作、促进共同发展举行深入会谈。中国航油是目前国内最大的集航空油品采购、储运、 CPD News On January 18, China National Petroleum Corporation and China National Aviation Fuel Group signed the 2013 aviation kerosene supply framework agreement in Beijing. Chairman of China National Petroleum Corporation, party secretary Jiang Jiemin, general manager, party members Zhou Jiping, China Aviation Oil Group Chairman and party secretary Sun Li, general manager and deputy party secretary Zhu Yong attended the signing ceremony. Both parties held in-depth talks on continuing to give play to their respective advantages and further deepening cooperation and promoting common development. China Aviation Oil is currently the largest set of aviation oil procurement, storage and transportation,
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