Optimization of Extraction Process of Total Flavonoids from the Residue of Sophora alopecuroides L.

来源 :Medicinal Plant | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:chicagousa
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[Object] To optimize the extraction process of total flavonoids from the residue of Sophora alopecuroides L.,and lay foundation for the purification of Sophora alopecuroides L.seeds.[Method] On the basis of single factor test,the extraction process of total flavonoids from the residue of Sophora alopecuroides L.was optimized through L9(34) design.[Result] The yield rate of total flavonoids reached as high as 4.86 mg/g under the following conditions:solid-liquid ratio of 1:10(g/ml),extraction times of 3,extraction duration of 1.5 h.[Conclusion] The optimum extraction process obtained in this study is convenience and reasonable,which would provide basis for the further development of Sophora alopecuroides L.residues. [Object] To optimize the extraction process of total flavonoids from the residue of Sophora alopecuroides L., and lay foundation for the purification of Sophora alopecuroides L. seeds. [Method] On the basis of single factor test, the extraction process of total flavonoids The yield rate of total flavonoids reached as high as 4.86 mg / g under the following conditions: solid-liquid ratio of 1:10 (g / ml), extraction times of 3, extraction duration of 1.5 h. [Conclusion] The optimum extraction process obtained in this study is convenience and reasonable, which would provide basis for the further development of Sophora alopecuroides L.residues.
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