患者,男,19岁,因腰部剧烈疼痛于2005年3月26日 4pm来院急诊科就诊。查体:心肿(-),腹部无异常发现, 右肾区叩痛,B超提示右肾结石。诊断为右肾结石。既往无药物过敏史。经阿托品注射液0.5 mg,im,哌替啶注射液50 mg,im,10 min后患者昏迷。T36.8℃,P 90次/min,R18次/ min,BP115/70mmHg,对光反射存在,言语及疼痛刺激无反
Patient, male, 19 years old, presented to the emergency department on March 26, 2005 at 4pm due to severe pain in her waist. Physical examination: heart swelling (-), no abnormalities in the abdomen, right kidney area percussion pain, B-Tip right kidney stones. Diagnosis of the right kidney stones. Past history of drug allergy. The atropine injection 0.5 mg, im, pethidine injection 50 mg, im, 10 min after the patient coma. T36.8 ℃, P90 times / min, R18 times / min, BP115 / 70mmHg, the presence of light reflex, verbal and painless stimulation