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学校图书馆是学校的一个重要组成部分,是学校实施素质教育的重要阵地,是学生课外阅读的主要场所,更是一座知识的殿堂。图书馆工作,每天接触的要么是人类文化的精髓,要么就是学生们对知识充满渴望的目光,作为一名图书馆工作人员,在自己的工作岗位上,必须始终坚持读者第一的理念,勤奋工作,爱岗敬业,热忱服务,讲究奉献,坚持学习,努力培养自己的创新精神和创新能力,力争把自己培养成为一位优秀的图书管理员。现把我对提高图书管理员管理素质的一些看法提出来,和大家共同交流: School library is an important part of the school, an important position in the implementation of quality education in schools, is the main venue for students to read extra-curricular, but also a temple of knowledge. Library work, daily contact with either the essence of human culture, or students are hungry for knowledge of the eyes, as a library staff, in their own jobs, we must always adhere to the reader’s first concept, diligence Work, dedication, dedicated service, pay attention to dedication, adhere to study, and strive to cultivate their own innovative spirit and ability to innovate, and strive to develop themselves as an excellent librarian. Now put forward some suggestions on improving the management quality of librarians, and share with you all:
曾有一个初夏的日子,我先生驾着500 美元的老爷车,由芝加哥西郊的一个大学城出发,经过7000多华里、历时3天半的长途跋涉,将我们两人载至西海岸的洛杉矶。那趟横穿大半个美国
The Mapang Yumco Lake isfamed as the“Mother of AllRivers”.In the absence of windand waves.the vast lake Sur-face is like a mirror reflecting the bluesky,whit
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