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受地形起伏较大、地质条件复杂等因素的制约,部分山区段管道采取横坡敷设,该敷设方式存在安全隐患,有必要对管道横坡敷设条件下的边坡稳定性进行定量分析,制定有针对性的治理措施,确保管道施工和运行安全。基于此,研究了管道横坡敷设诱发的地质灾害特点,采用基于极限平衡理论的条分法进行定量计算,取得原始边坡、扫线边坡及管沟开挖边坡3种工况条件下的稳定系数,并对计算结果进行了分析。结果表明,原始边坡表现得最为稳定,随着扫线和管沟开挖工作的展开,边坡稳定性越来越差。提出避让、治理、防护、限制4种建议措施,并应用于陕京输气管道穿越山间沟谷地段,保障了管道在山区地质灾害条件下的安全运营。 Due to the large topography and complex geological conditions and other factors, some sections of the mountain section of the pipeline to take a cross slope laying, the laying of a security risk exists, it is necessary to conduct a quantitative analysis of the stability of the slope under the conditions of the laying of cross-slope pipelines to develop a Targeted measures to ensure the safety of pipeline construction and operation. Based on this, the characteristics of geological disasters induced by laying of cross-slope pipelines are studied. The striping method based on the theory of limit equilibrium is used to quantitatively calculate the original slope, sweep-line slope and trench ditch excavation conditions The stability coefficient, and the calculation results were analyzed. The results show that the original slope is the most stable, and the stability of the slope is getting worse with the development of sweep line and trench excavation. Proposed four kinds of measures of avoidance, control, protection and restriction, and applied them to the Shaanxi-Beijing gas pipeline to cross the valley between the mountainous valleys to ensure the safe operation of the pipeline under the condition of mountainous geological disasters.
朱红毛斑蛾(Phauda flammans)是榕属(Ficus)植物重要的食叶害虫。调查发现,朱红毛斑蛾在厦门市辖区内已广泛分布,主要为害小叶榕(Ficus microcarpa)和垂榕(F.benjamina),对高
【正】 16日我市召开"全市农村8件实事工作会议",要求为农民办实事必须坚决防止弄虚作假,要经得起时间检验,经得起群众检验。17日市长蒋宏坤在调研我市经济适用房建设进度时
【正】 名区县人民政府,市府各委办局,市各直属单位:经市政府研究同意,现将市安监局、市公安消防局《南京市人员密集场所消防安全专项整治活动方案》转发给你们,请遵照执行。
柔性管理(Flexibility management)是一种依据企业文化对员工进行的人性化管理方式。中小企业在我国国民经济中占有相当重要的地位,但由于绝大多数中小企业尚处在资本积累的初级
为研究Y形偏心支撑-高强钢框架结构抗震性能,在已完成的1∶2缩尺3层模型结构振动台试验的基础上,重新设计了耗能梁段,并对该结构再次进行振动台试验。试验中选取El Centro波