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黄瓜折断的声音,像似从梦境传来。那根黄瓜在空中翻腾几下,落在地上。顾平拾起来,走向垃圾桶。李琴绞着湿漉漉的头发说,能吃的。她举起电吹风,对着黄瓜吹了一下,又对着自己的长波浪猛吹。很快,她锈红的绸睡衣上像溅上了血珠子。电话响了。顾平接起话筒说,派出所打来的,找你。李琴咬了一口黄瓜,接过话筒。电话那边传来一个中年男子的声音,嗡着鼻子。李琴感觉湿哒哒的冷水渗入背脊。对方又说什么,李琴没听清楚。许是耳朵也进水的缘故,她只听见黄 Cucumber broken sound, like from the dream came. That cucumber churn in the air a few times, fell to the ground. Gu Ping picked up and walked to the trash. Li Qin said wet hair, can eat. She lifted her hair dryer, blew it against the cucumber, and flushed against her own long waves. Soon, she rustled red silk pajamas like blood splashed on the beads. the phone is ringing. Gu Ping picked up the microphone said the police station called, looking for you. Li Qin bites a cucumber, took the microphone. The voice of a middle-aged man came over the phone and buzzed. Li Qin wet da da feeling damp water into the spine. What the other said, Li Qin did not hear clearly. Xu is the ear water is also the reason, she only heard yellow
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