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句群中的几个句子总是按照一定的语序,有条理地组合在一起,共同完成表述中心语义的任务。句群常以下三种语序组合。一、以时间为序按时间先后顺序组合的句群,有时在句与句之间用时间词语连接。如: 自此以后,又长久没有看见孔乙己。到了年关,掌柜取下粉板说:“孔乙己还欠十九个钱呢1”到第二年的端午,又说“孔乙己还欠十九个钱呢!”到中秋可是没有说,再到年关也没有看见他。(鲁迅《孔乙己》) 有的句群,句与句之间用一些有承接意义的词语,表明句子的先后顺序。例如: Several sentences in a sentence group are always grouped together in a certain order and in a certain order to jointly complete the task of expressing the semantics of the center. Sentence groups often have the following three word combinations. 1. Sentence groups that are assembled chronologically in chronological order, sometimes connected in time and in sentences. For example: Since then, Kong Yiji has not been seen for a long time. At the end of the year, the treasurer took off the powder board and said, “Kong Yiji still owes 19 money, but 1” to the Dragon Boat Festival in the second year. He also said that “Kong Yiji still owes 19 money!” But he did not say it in the Mid-Autumn Festival. He did not see him at the end of the year. (Lu Xun’s “Kong Yiji”) Some sentence groups, sentences and sentences use some words that have inherited meaning to indicate the sequence of sentences. E.g:
Between 1950 and the late 1960s Japan achieved a sustained expansion in industrial output which took her from the ranks of the low income countries to the posi
奥地利联邦铁路 ( BB)向奥地利的西门子公司订购了 60台 2 0 70系列液力传动内燃机车用于调车和简易线路作业 ,这是 BB新型机车首次装用无线电遥控装置。机车的 4个角都设有大
高中代数第二册中有这样的两个不等式:已知a,b∈R~+,并且a≠b,那么a~3+b~3>a~2b+ab~2;a~5+b~5>a~3b~2+a~2b~3。本文将其推广为更一般的不等式。即下面的 [定理] 设a_1,a_2,