
来源 :常州工业技术学院学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ihsc2Xid84
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从1978年4月21日常州市创办“常州市七·二一工业大学”算起,常州工业技术学院已走过20年风风雨雨的办学历程。面对一所具有420亩美丽校园和4000多名莘莘学子的多学科地方性全日制普通高校,当年的创业者,如今的建设者,无不为之感慨万千。修撰院志,存史立言,庆祝校庆20周年,成为全院教职工和常州市有识之士共同的心愿。 1997年春,学院20周年校庆领导小组决定组织人员编纂院志,并委托我实主其事。当时我感到责任重大且困难重重,但又觉意义非常且责无旁贷,也就勉为其事。现在近36万字的院志在诸多编、审同仁共同努力下即将付梓,向校庆20周年献礼,喜悦之情自不待言,惶惶之意,油然而生。悠悠二十载,总总万千事,薄薄几百页纸,实载不动学院发展扎实而厚重的历史;且编撰人员多未亲历其事,挂一漏万,实属难免,讹传误记,亦或有之。所幸院志收录诸多创业、建校前辈的纪念文章,所忆史实可与志体互为补充,相得益彰。 Since April 21, 1978, Changzhou City, founded “Changzhou City, 7.21 University”, Changzhou Institute of Technology has gone through 20 years ups and downs of school history. In the face of a multi-disciplinary, local, full-time university with a beautiful campus of 420 mu and more than 4,000 students, all the entrepreneurs and current builders of that year faced such a feeling. Xiu Chi Institute records, save history Li-li, celebrate the 20th anniversary of the celebration, become the faculty and Changzhou City people of insight common wish. In the spring of 1997, the leading group of the 20th anniversary of the academy decided to organize personnel to compose the hospital records and entrust me with the de facto principle. At that time, I felt that it was a heavy responsibility and a difficult one. However, I felt reluctant to do so because I felt it was very meaningful and duty-bound. Now nearly 360,000 words of the hospital in a lot of compilation, trial colleagues work together to pay their final days, to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the celebration, joy goes without saying that the meaning of panic, arises spontaneously. Long history of 20 years, with a total of thousands of things, a few hundred pages thin, real immobile College development solid and heavy history; and compilation staff have not experienced the event, linked to a leak, it is inevitable, Or there. Fortunately, the hospital records a lot of entrepreneurship, the school’s predecessors memorial articles, memories of historical facts and volunteers complement each other, complement each other.
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