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我出生在六十年代初,长在“十年动乱”期间,1977年赶上“上山下乡”末班车到农村插过队。1979年进云南大学历史系学习,1988年获历史文献学硕士学位。其后,分配到云南省地方志编委会,一直从事地州县志编纂指导。在修志7年中,我足迹几遍云南全省,主持或参与了70多部地州市县志的审查验收,参与主编了《方志理论研究》第一辑(1990年云南大学出版社出版)、《方志理论研究》第二辑(1992年贵州科技出版社出版),参与了云南省地方志编委会与泰国国务院合作的学术研究项目。在繁重的日常事务中,边工作、边研究。稍有余暇,即潜心思考探索;偶有所获,亦归纳撰成文章。几年下来,累计在国家和省级刊物上发表方志文章60余篇。现将7年来我的方志实践及某些方志理论的探索归纳整理,厘为四个大类,供志界参考。 I was born in the early 1960s and grew up in the “Ten Years of Turmoil”. In 1977, I caught up with the last train to go to the countryside and crossed the team. In 1979 Yunnan University history department study, in 1988 won the history of literature master’s degree. Subsequently, assigned to the Yunnan Provincial Local Records Editorial Board, has been engaged in compilation of prefectural guidelines. During the 7 years of his reign, I traveled several times in Yunnan province, chaired or participated in the examination and acceptance of more than 70 prefectures and cities, and participated in the first series of “Studies in Local Records” (published by Yunnan University Press in 1990) “Studies of Local Records Theory”, second series (published by Guizhou Science and Technology Press in 1992), participated in the academic research project of cooperation between local editors of Yunnan Province and Thailand’s State Council. In the heavy routine, while working, while studying. A little leisure time, that is, with great concentration and exploration; occasionally received, but also summarized into an article. A few years, the cumulative published in the national and provincial publications Fang Zhi articles more than 60 articles. Now seven years of my local practice and some ching chi theory to explore the summary of the exploration of theory, PCT as four categories for the volunteer reference.
本刊讯(特约通讯员刘剑)经国家质检总局审查合格,从2008年1月开始,双流枇杷获得国家地理标志产品保护,品种包括“大五星” The Journal (special correspondent Liu Jian)
江西省南丰县以盛产“南丰蜜橘”闻名。南丰蜜橘皮薄核少、汁多化渣、色泽金黄、甜酸适口、营养丰富。记者在南丰县官司瑶村 Nanfeng County, Jiangxi Province to rich “N
重点论述安全生产管理的概念、特点和基本要求,企业开展安全管理的方法和思路及应遵循的原则和实施措施。 Focus on the concept of safe production management, character