优化设计保工期 科学管理保质量——飞来峡水利枢纽工程建设纪实

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飞来峡水利枢纽工程是水利部重点工程,也是广东省规模最大的水利水电建设项目。1994年10月开工建设,计划工期6年。广东省委、省政府提出了“六年工期,五年完成”的目标。王寿永副总工程师告诉记者,省委、省政府提出的这个目标能够实现。目前飞来峡水利枢纽工程土建工程已经完工,第4台发电机组将在9月底投入试运行,工程正从建设阶段向管理阶段转变。 Feilaixia Water Conservancy Project is a key project of the Ministry of Water Resources, Guangdong Province is also the largest water conservancy and hydropower construction projects. Construction started in October 1994 with a planned duration of 6 years. Guangdong Provincial Party Committee and Provincial Government put forward the goal of “six-year construction period and five-year completion”. Wang Shou-yong, deputy chief engineer told reporters that the provincial government put forward this goal can be achieved. At present, the civil works of Feilaixia Water Conservancy Project have been completed. The 4th generator set will be put into trial operation by the end of September and the project is changing from the construction phase to the management phase.
泵站拦污栅常被塑料袋等堵满,它不仅难于清除,而且造成拦污栅两侧的压差,易使拦污栅变形损坏。 我们搞了一种“易清除拦污格栅”,效果不错。 易清除拦污格栅宽2.0~3.0米,高2.
经皮经肝穿刺局部治疗(percutaneous local ablative therapy, PLAT)主要用于肿瘤局限于肝脏,直径<5 cm.该种治疗,是除了肝切除和肝移植手术外,惟一可提供病人治愈肝癌的方法.该治疗尤其适用于手术高危病人,例如肝功能代偿不良,肿瘤复发、部位特殊或全身状况较差.通常,这种治疗需要在超声或CT的引导下进行。
A series of Ce~(3+), Sm~(3+)-doped Zn_2GeO_4 phosphors are prepared by the solid-state reaction. A blue photoluminescence(PL) of Zn_2 GeO_4 is observed as the r
通过水轮机老化的诊断和发电机在线监测,以期了解水电设备的状况,使设备保持良好运行状态,达到效率高、安全且经济的运行。 Through the diagnosis of turbine aging and on
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请下载后查看,本文暂不支持在线获取查看简介。在扶贫开发中崛起——汾西县扶贫开发概况 Please download to view, this article does not support online access to view p