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山东省淄博第四中学坐落在世界短篇小说之王蒲松龄的故乡——淄川,是本地唯一的一所市属重点中学。学校始建于1929年,1955年被山东省教育厅命名为山东省淄博第四中学,1980年被淄博市教育局确定为市属重点中学,1993年被山东省教委确定为省级规范化学校,2000年被淄博市政府列为创建全国一千所示范性高中学校之一。近年来,学校为成为全国千所示范性高中之一,实施了四大工程建设。投资400多万元,建成千兆校园网和校园电视台,教师、职员人手一台微机,教室应用多媒体教学,抢占教育的制高点,实现了教育手段的现代化;学校新建教工宿舍楼五栋(137套住房),青年教师公寓一栋,使教职工安居乐业;投资千万元的学生餐厅和学生公寓即将竣工;投资近百万元绿化、美化了的校园,先后被评为淄博市“绿色学校”和淄川区“花园式单位”。学校现有46个教学班,教职工180余人,在校学生2400多人,是一所以升学预备教育为主的重点中学,每年有近90%的毕业生升入高一级院校,百余名学生升入清华等全国重点院校。学校有一支思想过硬、业务素质优良的教师队伍,有一批省市级优秀教师、教学能手和学科带头人。学校注重教学常规管理和学生道德品质教育,积极探索素质教育规律。多年来,学校以校风好、管理严、质量高而著称,在当地享有较高的社会声望。——编者 Zibo No.4 Middle School in Shandong Province is located in the hometown of Pu Songling, the hometown of the world’s short stories. It is the only local key high school in the city. The school was founded in 1929. In 1955, it was named Shandong Provincial Zibo No.4 Middle School by the Shandong Provincial Department of Education. In 1980, it was identified as a city-level key middle school by the Zibo Education Bureau. In 1993, it was designated as a provincial-level standardized school by the Shandong Provincial Education Commission. In 2000, Zibo Municipal Government was listed as one of the 1,000 demonstrative high school in China. In recent years, the school has implemented four major construction projects in order to become one of the 1,000 exemplary high schools in the country. Invested more than 4 million yuan to build a Gigabit campus network and a campus TV station. The teachers and staff had a personal computer. The classrooms used multi-media teaching to seize the commanding heights of education and modernized the educational means. There were five new teachers’ dormitory buildings (137 sets). Housing), a young teacher’s apartment, to enable the staff and workers to live and work in peace; tens of millions of investment in student restaurants and student apartments will soon be completed; investment in nearly a million green, beautified the campus, has been rated as Zibo City, “green school” and Zichuan District “Garden-style units.” The school currently has 46 classes, more than 180 faculty members, and more than 2,400 students. It is a key middle school with preparatory education for school admission. Nearly 90% of the graduates are promoted to higher-level institutions each year. The students were promoted to key universities such as Tsinghua University. The school has a contingent of teachers with excellent thinking and excellent professional qualities. There are a group of outstanding teachers, teaching experts and academic leaders at the provincial and municipal levels. The school emphasizes teaching routine management and student moral quality education, and actively explores the laws of quality education. Over the years, the school is known for its good school atmosphere, strict management and high quality, and enjoys high social prestige in the local area. --editor
摘要:在社会主义新农村建设的新形势下,能够做好农村思想政治工作,对维护农村稳定,促进农业发展,,增加农民收入,具有特别重要的意义。文章分析了当前新农村建设当中思想政治工作的现状与问题,提出了推动农村思想政治工作开展的具体措施,对于当前农村的思想政治工作具有很强的指导意义。  关键词:新农村;思想政治;问题;对策     随着社会的发展,农民的各种意识不断增强,农村思想政治工作取得了一定的发展,但我
么想后 每当万山红遍、鸿雁南飞的季节,叶儿也开始凋零了。那片片叶儿,如同黄蝶般飘舞在空中,形成一道美丽的奇观。 我向往那苍翠欲滴、勃发着生命与活力的气息的
企业档案管理工作适应新形势的需要进行全面的变革,紧紧围绕企业的生产、经营、科研、文化等活动开发利用档案信息资源为企业服务。 Enterprise file management work to me
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菲尔伯特严重残废。他右臂萎缩,背脊弯曲,走起路来就像个驼背。课间休息时,男孩子们都在踢足球,而菲尔伯特却独自一人坐在秋千 Philbert is seriously disabled. His right
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