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今年初罕见的冰雪灾害之后,毁损线路和设备的修复重建已基本完成,防灾设计标准也在重新修订,很多领导和专家对于灾害影响作了大量反思。肖鹏同志积多年工作实践中对电力发展战略问题的研究思考成果,在反思中更深刻地提出:更重要的是重建电力核心价值;是众多反思文章中最具战略高度和超越性的,文章正式发表之前就已产生了相当大的影响。肖鹏同志的系列文章共三篇,鉴于文章所阐述问题的重要性,本刊以“重建电力核心价值”为总标题一次全部发表,并配发了本刊独家专访,以促进全行业更广泛深入地思考。系列文章的第一篇曾在《中国电业》今年第3期发表,此次一并发表时,作者又作了删改和补充。以如此篇幅和处理方式发表一位作者的文章,打破了杂志刊载常规,但毕竟此次冰灾就是非常规的,作者的思考也是非常规的,我们也应该非常规一次。同时,我们也十分愿意继续发表相关讨论文章。 After the rare snow disaster of early this year, the repair and reconstruction of damaged lines and equipment have basically been completed. The standards for disaster prevention design are also being revised. Many leaders and experts have made a lot of reflections on the impact of the disaster. Comrade Xiao Peng plot many years of work in practice on the strategic thinking of power development and thinking of the results reflect more deeply in the reflection: more important is to rebuild the power of the core values; is the most reflective articles of the most strategic height and transcendence, article Before the official announcement has had a considerable impact. In the light of the importance of the issues described in the article, this magazine publishes all the articles with the title of “Rebuilding the Core Value of Electric Power” and distributes an exclusive interview with this magazine to promote the entire industry Think more deeply and deeply. The first article of the series was published in the third issue of “China’s electric power industry.” When the co-publication was published, the author also made changes and additions. By publishing articles of one author in such a length and format, the magazine has broken the routine. However, after all, the ice storm was unconventional and the author’s thinking was unconventional. We should also unconventionally. At the same time, we are also very willing to continue to publish relevant discussion articles.
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