A French Anthropologist’s Fieldwork Experience in China-An Interview with French Anthropologist Cath

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Since the end of the 1970s,French anthropologist Catherine Capdeville-Zeng has fo ̄cused her studies on China. Her research field in ̄cludes popular songs of China,rock music of Chi ̄na,Beijing Opera Amateur Sessions,shadow play, Nuo opera, and Sichuan opera, etc. She has pub ̄lished a series of her research findings related to China in the past years, including Le théatredansl??espace du peuple,uneenquête de terrain en Chine ( in French ) , Rites et Rock à Pékin –Traditions sociales et modernitédans la musique rock en Chine( in French) ,and fengchangzuoxi or 逢场作戏(in Chinese)etc. On 23 March 2015,Profes ̄sor Capdeville-Zeng was invited to give a lecture on Popular Opera—An Anthropological Investiga ̄tion in China at the Southwest University for Na ̄tionalities. In the lecture,Professor Catherine Cap ̄deville-Zeng took Nuo opera,Sichuan torch opera troupe,and Beijing opera amateur sessions as case studies,and shared her ideas on the connection be ̄tween “ritual opera” and “entertainment opera”, the common structure of various operas, the rela ̄tionship between the audience and the actors/ac ̄tresses, the audience’s response to the opera and the actors/actresses’ attitudes, etc. After the lec ̄ture,Zhao Xiuyun,an editor of the Journal of Eth ̄nology published by the Southwest University for Nationalities,conducted a comprehensive interview with her regarding her anthropological investiga ̄
  tions in China. In this interview,Professor Cather ̄ine Capdeville -Zeng talked about the process of conducting fieldwork in China as a French anthro ̄pologist. She stated that her research was deeply influenced by the theory of Louis Dumont, an im ̄portant representative scholar of French structural ̄ism. She used Dumont’s theory of “individualism”to make an in -depth analysis of the relationship between the“individual” and the“whole” in Chi ̄nese society. She mentioned that although the style of modern musical activities( for instance,the rock band ) and traditional musical activities ( for in ̄stance,“Beijing Opera Amateur Sessions”) are to ̄tally different from each other, there are structural similarities. Based upon her cross-cultural expe ̄rience, she also mentioned thatan anthropologist must keep his/her own rational and independent thinking while conducting fieldwork, and cannot measure the culture of “the other” with the stand ̄ards of his/her own culture. In addition, she also expressed her worry about the disappearance of tra ̄ditional culture during the process of moderniza ̄tion. Hence,she calls upon anthropologists to go to rural areas as soon as possible to record traditional culture which is already in danger of disappearing.
穆迪公司日前表示,全球炼油扩能将在未来12-18个月影响亚太地区炼油厂的赢利水平,不过期间炼油利润不会下降到2008年全球金融危机时的低位。穆迪副总裁Simon Wong表示:“穆迪公
第十一章 决战长江 一、十年磨剑 1987年,“东-黄线(山东东营至黄岛输油管线)”进入设计阶段,这是国内第一条自动化输油管线,许多技术需从国外学习和引进。中国石油天然气管
(College of Tourism Historical Culture, Southwest University for  Nationalities,Chengdu,Sichuan, 610041,China)  JOURNAL OF ETHNOLOGY, VOL. 6, NO.4, 71-80, 2015 (CN51-1731/C, in  Chinese)DOI:10.3969/j.
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