二战以后 ,东欧国家在建设社会主义的过程中 ,遵循和照搬苏联模式 ,曾取得了一系列历史性成就。但由于苏联模式是苏联特定历史条件下的产物 ,它给东欧各国带来了许多弊端 ,造成了其政治、经济危机 ,并最终导致了国家剧变。实践证明 ,建设社会主义必须正确对待外国经验和外国模式 ,坚持从本国的实际出发 ,走自己的路。
After World War II, Eastern European countries have made a series of historic achievements in following and copying the Soviet model in the process of building socialism. However, because the Soviet model was the product of a specific historical condition in the Soviet Union, it brought many drawbacks to the countries of Eastern Europe, caused its political and economic crisis and eventually led to the drastic changes in the country. Practice has proved that to build socialism, we must correctly handle foreign experience and foreign models and persist in taking our own course from our own reality.