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现在,随着国家公费医疗制度的改革,医疗费成了职工工资的一部分,作为工薪阶层,不是非去医院不可的疾病患者,是不愿意去医院的。由于多种原因,有些地区医疗医药费一直居高不下,一住进医院,少则三五百元,多则上千甚至上万元,包干给个人的医疗费是不可能承受的。各种药物的毒副作用也是显而易见的。现在市场上有些利用针灸、磁疗、远红外热效应等原理制成的医疗器械,对一些疾病有显著的疗效,对一些大医院无法治愈的病症也有很好的治疗 Now, with the reform of the national public medical system, medical expenses have become part of the wages of employees, and as working-class workers, they are not non-hospital patients but are reluctant to go to hospitals. For a variety of reasons, the medical and medical expenses in some areas have been stubbornly high, ranging from RMB 35 to 500 as soon as they are admitted to hospitals, and as many as thousands or even as much as RMB 10,000. The medical expenses for individuals are not affordable. The toxic side effects of various drugs are also obvious. Some medical devices made on the market using principles such as acupuncture, magnetic therapy, and far-infrared thermal effects have significant curative effects on some diseases and are well treated in some major hospitals.
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面对中国加入WTO后国际传媒巨头的挑战 ,立志做大做强的中国期刊界其当务之急恐怕是先做大 ,迅速扩大经营规模 ,在规模经营中找到做强的机会和途径。集团化就是一种最实用的