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如今的苏州,一边是 GDP 增长跟外资的趋之若骛,另一边是“只长骨头不长肉”和民族名牌的淡出;一边是优惠政策与科技园区建设,另一边是资源代价和“飞来经济”;一边是政绩工程与政府主导经济的苏州模式;另一边则是普通市民的贫困和干群之间新的“二元结构”。这些年来,苏州经济的增长世所瞩目。据2005年的统计数据,苏州在全国大中城市 GDP 排行榜上居第四位,名列上海、广州和北京之后。苏州的实际吸引外资规模超过上海、深圳,居全国各城市之首。 Today’s Suzhou, on the one hand, is the combination of GDP growth and foreign investment. On the other hand, there is “flimsy meat” and the fading out of national brand names. On the one hand, there are preferential policies and construction of science and technology parks; on the other hand, Economy “. On the one hand, it is the Suzhou model of performance engineering and government-led economy; on the other hand, it is the new” dual structure "between the general public’s poverty and cadres and masses. In recent years, Suzhou’s economic growth has attracted worldwide attention. According to 2005 statistics, Suzhou ranks fourth among the nation’s large and medium-sized cities’ GDP rankings after Shanghai, Guangzhou and Beijing. The actual scale of foreign investment in Suzhou surpassed that of Shanghai and Shenzhen, ranking the first among all cities in the country.
The conformations and relative configurations of four epoxides of α-amido cyclo- hexenes have been determined by the combination of molecular modeling and NMR
论引信技术创新马宝华 ( 1 )……………………………………………………………………………………………………一种新概念的毫米波辐射计可以成为新的电子对抗装备王学田 ( 5
The emission and the excitation spectra of GdPO_4∶Eu~(3+) and GdBO_3∶Eu~(3+) prepared by solid state reaction method were investigated using the synchrotron r
篇    名年—期试验与研究数值模拟技术在大型锻件生产中的应用 99— 1核安全一级阀超低碳不锈钢锻件研制 99— 1连铸设备辊道辊母材用钢 R73冲击韧性的研究 99— 1矩形