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石大宇,设计生活品牌“清庭”创办人暨创意总监。1989年毕业于美国纽约时尚设计学院,曾任“钻石之王”Harry Winston珠宝公司设计师,1996年获得戴比尔斯国际钻饰设计大赛大奖,成为该奖首位华裔获奖者。同年返回中国台湾成立清庭,引进全球顶尖设计生活物品,为消费者提供与全球同步的设计美学享受,并于2010年在北京成立清庭设计中心及设计概念店。作为设计精品业界的先锋,清庭倾力推广好设计,既注重引进国际知名设计师的经典作品,亦致力于将本土优良设计推向国际,并且不断朝自主开发、设计的方向努力,以期与国内的优秀设计师共同向国际市场呈现优良的中国设计产品。作为一名设计师,石大宇秉持可持续的环保设计理念,致力于发展根植于中国文化思维的环保设计,成功将传统工艺转化为当代设计,将清庭自创品牌设计生活产品推向国际市场。其设计作品如“双泉提梁方/圆壶”、“椅君子”、“椅琴剑”、“竹计划”、“赞竹茶盘”等屡获多种国际设计奖项。 Stone Dayu, design life brand “Qing Ting ” founder and creative director. She graduated from Fashion Design College in New York in 1989 and was the designer of “King of Diamonds” and “Harry Winston Jewelry Company”. She won the De Beers International Diamond Design Competition in 1996 and became the first Chinese winner of this award. The same year returned to China Taiwan to set up Qing Ting, the introduction of the world’s top design and living goods, to provide consumers with the global aesthetic design aesthetics, and in 2010 in Beijing to set up Qing Ting Design Center and design concept store. As a pioneer in the field of design excellence, Qing Ting endeavors to promote good design. It not only pays attention to the introduction of the classic works of internationally renowned designers, but also devotes itself to pushing the excellent design of the homeland to the world and constantly strives toward independent development and design so as to achieve Excellent domestic designers together to the international market presents excellent Chinese design products. As a designer, SHI Daewoo adheres to the concept of sustainable green design and is committed to developing environmentally friendly design rooted in the cultural thinking of China. She successfully transformed traditional crafts into contemporary design and promoted the design and manufacture of QingTing’s own brand products into the international market . Its design works such as “Shuangquan Tiaolian side / circle pot ”, “chair gentleman ”, “chair piano sword ”, “bamboo plan ”, " International Design Awards.
<正> 自1987年全国建筑业推广鲁布革工程管理经验以来,大多数建筑业企业都初步建立了以项目管理为核心的企业新型经营管理体制。回顾十多年来的探索和实践,既取得了显著的成