Cluster observations of high-altitude cusp during multiple fast-turning IMF

来源 :Chinese Science Bulletin | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:Colo
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Using coordinated observations from the Cluster,DMSP and ESR radar,high-altitude cusp was investigated for a time period characterized by four fast reversals of the IMF BZ.On February 12,2003,Cluster was flying sunward at duskside over the Northern Hemisphere,across the high-altitude northern cusp twice.Both the two crossings are during steady northward IMF interval,whereas ion fluxes detected during the time period are quite different.The cusp in the first crossing is a “typical” northward-IMF one,with short-lived ion injections of evident “reversed” dispersion signatures.In the second crossing,however,the cusp appears to be a region reminiscent of the Stagnant Exterior Cusp (SEC).In addition,evident upward-flowing O+ ion bursts,possibly original from polar ionosphere,are also detected during the second cusp crossing,together with enhancement of trapped magnetospheric-like electron fluxes.We suggest that the SEC-like cusp is likely on newly closed field lines,which were first reconnected (being opened) at low latitudes and later reconnected again (being closed) poleward of the northern cusp. Using coordinated observations from the Cluster, DMSP and ESR radar, high-altitude cusp was investigated for a time period characterized by four fast reversals of the IMF BZ. On February 12, 2003, Cluster was flying sunward at duskside over the Northern Hemisphere, across the high-altitude northern cusp twice.Both the two crossings are steady northward IMF interval, while ion fluxes detected during the time period are quite different. The cusp in the first crossing is a “typical ” northward-IMF one, with short-lived ion injections of evident “reversed ” dispersion signatures. In the second crossing, however, the cusp appears to be a region reminiscent of the Stagnant Exterior Cusp (SEC) possibly original from polar ionosphere, are also detected during the second cusp crossing, together with enhancement of trapped magnetospheric-like electron fluxes .We suggest that the SEC-like cusp is likely on newly closed field lines, which were first reco nnected (being opened) at low latitudes and later reconnected again (being closed) poleward of the northern cusp.
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