Luminescence of Unusual Bismuth in Barium Borates (BaB_8O_13:Bi)

来源 :Journal of Materials Science & Technology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:limeng668
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The luminescence of unusual divalent bismuth (Bi2+) in BaB8O13 is reported. The emission band with maximum peak at 592 nm corresponds to the 2P3/2→2P1/2 transition of Bi2+ in the matrix and the excitation spectrum with two bands peaked at 470 and 580 nm respectively corresponds to two split crystal-field levels of 2P3/2 state. The small Stokes shift (~350 cm-1) reflects the rigid structure of the host for the Bi2+ ions The luminescence of unusual divalent bismuth (Bi2 +) in BaB8O13 is reported. The emission band with maximum peak at 592 nm corresponds to the 2P3 / 2 → 2P1 / 2 transition of Bi2 + in the matrix and the excitation spectrum with two bands peaked at 470 and 580 nm respectively correspond to two split crystal-field levels of 2P3 / 2 state. The small Stokes shift (~ 350 cm-1) reflects the rigid structure of the host for the Bi2 + ions
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