Since 1984, the IEE Computer and Control Branch will hold a special lecture each year. In recognition of Professor M.V. Wilkes’ outstanding contributions to computer science, the first lecture was delivered by him. Wilkes was a professor of computer technology at Cambridge University from 1946 to 1980 and retired in 1980. He is currently an honorary professor at Cambridge University, a consultant at Digital Equipment Corporation (DEC), a visiting professor at MIT, and a fellow in communications at the American Academy of Sciences and Engineering. He has been the director of the Institute of Mathematics at Cambridge University (renamed Computer Institute since 1970), the first chairman of the British Computer Society since 1957-1960, and the Faraday Prize awarded by the IEE in 1981. By the mid-1940s, Britain was developing computer engineering almost simultaneously with the United States. Professor Wilkes is one of the few major participants in this history that is still alive. The translation is slightly abridged.