
来源 :工程力学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:chenzhong1983
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目前未见有普遍适用的理论公式来表征盾构隧道衬砌结构参数的内在联系。该文首先提出了用“代表性区段”体现整环结构弯曲刚度特征的思想,然后建立了通缝和错缝条件下管片环拼装力学机理模型,接着运用力学模型推导出弯曲刚度有效率和弯矩提高率等参数的取值公式和相互关系式,最后验证了公式的正确性。研究表明:力学模型能够推导出弯曲刚度有效率、管片体弯矩提高率、管片接头弯矩减少率、衬砌结构参数之间的关系公式;管片接头弯矩减小率未必等于管片体弯矩提高率,表明传统采用单一弯矩提高率值的做法不够科学;匀质圆环法还能给出环间接头径向最大剪力取值,并且其结果较为可靠;参数取值公式中有两个重要的中间参数,与环向相对刚度和径向相对刚度具有相似性,应予重视。参数取值理论公式的提出,对揭示盾构隧道整环拼装内在力学本质有着重要价值。 At present there is no universally applicable theoretical formula to characterize the inherent relationship between the structural parameters of shield tunnel linings. In this paper, the idea of ​​using the “representative section” to represent the bending stiffness of the entire ring structure is first proposed. Then, the mechanics model of the segment ring assembly under the condition of the joint seam and the staggered seam is established, and then the bending stiffness Efficiency and moment increase rate and other parameters of the formula and the relationship between the formula, and finally verify the correctness of the formula. The results show that the mechanical model can derive the formula of the relationship between the effective rate of bending stiffness, the rate of increase of bending moment of the segment body, the rate of reduction of bending moment of the segment joint and the parameters of the lining structure. The reduction rate of the moment of the segment joint is not necessarily equal to that of the segment The improvement rate of body moment shows that it is not scientific enough to adopt the traditional method of increasing the value of single moment. The uniform ring method can give the value of the maximum radial shear force of the joint between rings and the result is more reliable. There are two important intermediate parameters, which have similarities with the relative stiffness in the circumferential direction and the radial relative stiffness, which should be paid attention to. The formulation of the theoretical formula of parameter value is of great value to reveal the inherent mechanical properties of the ring-loop assembly of shield tunneling.
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作者对电渣溶铸整体曲轴进行了总结,指出,该工艺方法生产的铸件 强度高,内在质量好,基本无气孔、缩松等缺陷 The author summarizes the whole crankshaft of ESR casting a