Comparative study on discharge conditions in micro-hole electrical discharge machining of tungsten c

来源 :Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:looksky1989
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WC-Co is used widely in die and mold industries due to its unique combination of hardness, strength and wear-resistance. For machining difficult-to-cut materials, such as tungsten carbide, micro-electrical discharge machining(EDM) is one of the most effective methods for making holes because the hardness is not a dominant parameter in EDM. This paper describes the characteristics of the discharge conditions for micro-hole EDM of tungsten carbide with a WC grain size of 0.5 μm and Co content of 12%. The EDM process was conducted by varying the condenser and resistance values. A R-C discharge EDM device using arc erosion for micro-hole machining was suggested. Furthermore, the characteristics of the developed micro-EDM were analyzed in terms of the electro-optical observation using an oscilloscope and field emission scanning electron microscope. WC-Co is used widely in die and mold industries due to its unique combination of hardness, strength and wear-resistance. Forging difficult-to-cut materials, such as tungsten carbide, micro-electrical discharge machining the most effective methods for making holes because the hardness is not a dominant parameter in EDM. This paper describes the characteristics of the discharge conditions for micro-hole EDM of tungsten carbide with a WC grain size of 0.5 μm and Co content of 12%. The EDM process was conducted by varying the condenser and resistance values. A RC discharge EDM device using arc erosion for micro-hole machining was suggested. Furthermore, the characteristics of the developed micro-EDM were analyzed in terms of the electro-optical observation using an oscilloscope and field emission scanning electron microscope.
CdS, CuxS (x=1, 2) and ZnS with different morphologies were produced by the solvothermal reactions of M(CH3COO)2·2H2O (M=Cd, Cu and Zn) and NH2CSNH2 in hexane
【摘要】电子专业课程系统性强、深奥不可直观,造成电子专业是职业学校学生最难学专业之一,让很多学生望而却步,因此要分析其原因同时针对问题研究对策。下面三种做法可以较好地提高教学效果。一是在课堂教学环节渗透学习方法指导,二是在布置作业环节加深知识理解应用,三是在实验实习环节中提高运用知识的能力。  【关键词】 专业课 学习 因素 对策 课堂教学 作业 实验实习  职业学校的培养目标是以专业技术知识为基
【摘要】 SF6 气体在高压电力设备绝缘领域的应用非常广泛,通常是被用作优良的绝缘介质和灭弧介质。随着封闭式组合电器(GIS)设备的运行,SF6 气体中的水分含量会增多,而SF6 气体会在电弧下分解,其分解物遇水会生成具有强腐蚀性的HF 和H2SO3 等,会损坏绝缘件,并降低绝缘件的阻值。这严重影响到GIS 的安全运行,会出现由绝缘性能下降而引起GIS故障的情况,那么在线监测GIS 的微水含量就非
刘比一1980年出生在湖北省襄阳市襄州区峪山镇朱洼村一个农民家庭。为改变命运,刘比一发奋读书,并顺利考上中国农业大学,本科毕业后先后在泰国和印度尼西亚担任全球最大的食蟹猴繁育基地生产部和兽医部主管,回国后攻读硕士研究生,可谓顺风顺水、前途无量。  令亲朋好友意想不到的是,刘比一研究生毕业后不顾父母和家人的反对,毅然放弃城市优越生活,离开妻子和年仅一岁的孩子,只身回到峪山镇朱洼村圈地养羊。  刘比一