Runoff Variation Law and Its Response to Climate Change in the Headstream Area of the Keriya River B

来源 :Journal of Earth Science | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wwwman
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Based on the runoff and meteorological data of Langan(兰干) Hydrological Station from 1957 to 2009 in Keriya(克里雅) River,the periodicities,abrupt changes,and trends of climate factors and runoff were investigated by wavelet analysis and nonparametric test;then,the future change of the annual runoff was predicted by a periodic trend superposition model.In succession,the influencing volumes of climate change on the annual runoff were separated from the observation values of the annual runoff in Keriya River.The results show that(1) temperature series increased significantly,while the annual runoff and precipitation of Keriya River increased insignificantly at the significant level of α=0.05;(2) the common periods of 9 and 15 years existed in the annual runoff evolution process,and the primary periods of temperature and precipitation were 9 and 22 years and 9 and 13 years,respectively;(3) the annual runoff did not vary simultaneously with the abrupt change of climate factors in the headstream;the abrupt points of annual runoff and temperature are at 1998 and 1980 year,and that of precipitation is not so significant;and(4) the annual runoff will experience a decrease trend in the future period;the total increasing volume owing to climate change is 23.154×108 m3 in the head-stream during the period of 1999-2009;however,the stream flow has been nearly utilized completely due to the human activities in the mainstream area of Keriya River. Based on the runoff and meteorological data of Langan Hydrological Station from 1957 to 2009 in Keriya River, the periodicities, abrupt changes, and trends of climate factors and runoff were investigated by wavelet analysis and nonparametric test; then, the future change of the annual runoff was predicted by a periodic trend superposition model.In succession, the influencing volumes of climate change on the annual runoff were separated from the observation values ​​of the annual runoff in Keriya River.The results show that ( 1) temperature series increased significantly, while the annual runoff and precipitation of Keriya River increased insignificantly at the significant level of α = 0.05; (2) the common periods of 9 and 15 years existed in the annual runoff evolution process, and the primary periods of temperature and precipitation were 9 and 22 years and 9 and 13 years, respectively; (3) the annual runoff did not vary simultaneously with the abrupt change of climate factors in th the abrupt points of annual runoff and temperature are at 1998 and 1980 year, and that of precipitation is not so significant; and (4) the annual runoff will experience a decrease trend in the future period; the total increasing volume owing to climate change is 23.154 × 108 m3 in the head-stream during the period of 1999-2009; however, the stream flow has been nearly utilized completely to the human activities in the mainstream area of ​​Keriya River.
清qīnɡ晨chén,林lín中zhōnɡ谁shéi最zuì快kuài乐lè?谁shéi最zuì活huó跃yuè?对duì,是shì可kě爱ài的de小xiǎo鸟niǎo!在zài人rén教jiào版bǎn语yǔ文wén二èr年nián级jí上shànɡ册cè第dì26课kè 《“红hónɡ领lǐnɡ巾jīn”真zhēn好hǎo》中zhōnɡ我wǒ们men认rèn识shí了le快kuài乐lè、活
颅咽管瘤是从胚胎期颅咽管的残余组织发生的一种良性先天性肿瘤 ,大都生长在鞍区或三脑室 ,与视交叉、颈内动脉、下丘脑、垂体柄及垂体等重要结构关系密切。如行肿瘤部分切除