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The UK's position as a leading international financial center depends not only on the openness and competitiveness of its market,but also on its reputation as a clean and fair place to do business.Market confidence will be undermined where participants and users believe markets are susceptible to abuse.Thus,the main convincing justification for controlling insider's abuse of power is based on the harm principle,which it causes to investor confidence and securities markets.An insider ought not to be able to take advantage of his position either to breach a confidence or to achieve an unfair advantage in the market place;particularly the market place should,as far as possible,provide equality of opportunity to people entering it.Insider dealing has been regulated by the criminal law involved under Part Ⅴ of the Criminal Justice Act 1993 in the UK.It has become clear that the traditional criminal penalty was limited by the criminal standard of proof required,while self-regulatory regimes are thought as toothless tigers.Although various potential common law civil remedies for breach of fiduciary duty and breach of confidence relating to insider dealing do exist,they are ineffective remedies and beset by so many complexities.As a response,the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000 came into force and marked an important development in the regulation of market abuse in creating civil penalties,which also contained misuse of confidential insider information.Later,the main substantive changes to existing civil market abuse regime have been taken effect within the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000 (Market Abuse) Regulations 2005,2011 and 2014.Regarding to the regulatory framework,the range of regulatory powers of the Financial Services Authority,which has been replaced by the Financial Conduct Authority in April 1,2013,available in combating market abuse is one of the most fundamental innovations of the FSMA 2000 and plays a significant role in defining the law in practice through a Code of Market Conduct.China has also exerted great efforts in regulating insider dealing.Under the current Chinese legal framework,insider dealing is governed by the Criminal Law of the People's Republic of China,the Securities Law of the People's Republic of China 2005 and some other regulations.The China Securities Regulatory Commission (CSRC) is the regulatory body for supervising and penalizing insider dealing in China.Although China has made progress in legislation in terms of the regulation of insider dealing,there are still much room for improvement,such as the enforcement of the civil penalty and theenforcement power of the CSRC.Due to the fact that the UK has rich experience in regulating insider dealing,it is of great significance for China to learn from the UK's successful practices.Insider dealing could be well controlled with innovative and effective legal regulations.This article focuses on an in-depth examination on the regulations in the UK and a brief introduction of regulations in China in order to figure out an answer to what has been achieved in the UK and what are the most important aspects that China could learn from the UK's experiences.The aim of increasing the deterrent effect by reducing the obstacles to imposing suitable sanctions,whether criminal,civil or regulatory,should enable regulators to police a more efficient manner in the field of financial markets.
摘 要:自2012年以来,比特币一词便频繁出现在各种媒体之中,成为最热门的词汇之一。有人视其为洪水猛兽,认为它滋长了毒品交易、破坏了金融秩序。有人却说拥有了它就拥有打开未来的钥匙,其所蕴含的价值与效用不可估量。为此,本文拟就比特币监管现状及存在的问题进行浅显探讨,提出加强比特币监管的若干意见和建议。  关键词:比特币;法律监管  一、我国比特币监管现状及存在的问题  (一)我国比特币监管现状  2
从二○○年到今天,全国许多地方政府相继成立了行政事业单位会计核算中心,把所管理的一些行政事业单位的财会室取消,将单位账务移交到行政事业单位会计核算中心,由中心统一管理、统一核算。中心的建立,加强了政府对各个预算单位业务的日常监督,强化了财政法律法规的执行,严肃了财经纪律,为更好地行使政府职能发挥了重要的作用。  行政事业单位会计核算中心通常设为地方财政部门的一个内设单位,有的设为地方政府的一个部门
1967年1月8日,西北红军和陕甘革命根据地创始人之一、开国上将、时任云南省委第一书记的阎红彦在昆明军区的一个秘密军事基地突然去世。阎红彦的死,在云南,乃至全国引起了强烈震动。一位曾为中国人民的解放事业立下赫赫战功的陆军上将,没有在枪林弹雨中被敌人击倒,却死于“文化大革命”初期,而且死的有点“不明不白”。有关传记中只一句“阎红彦已经停止了呼吸”简单了事,让人一头雾水。  著书的说“事后查明,阎红彦