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杀虫剂微胶囊是一种缓释剂,是目前具有恒定释放率的最好的剂型之一。微胶囊为将显微大小的液体或固体粒子包裹在保护膜中,使杀虫药在使用时,通过囊壁缓慢地释放出来。微胶囊的粒子大小一般为1—200微米。 微胶囊技术在一些工艺范围中已应用多年。美国在微胶囊技术方面发展很快,从1954年首先制成NCR无碳复写纸后,应用范围逐渐扩大。但是,应用到杀虫剂方面,还是七十年代以后,特别是1974年,美国Rennwalt公司制成甲基对硫磷微胶囊,并首次畅销于市场之后,杀虫剂微胶囊的研究工作才日趋活跃。 Insecticide microcapsules are a sustained-release agent and are currently one of the best formulations with a constant rate of release. Microcapsules for the microscopic size of the liquid or solid particles wrapped in the protective film, insecticide in use, through the wall slowly released. The size of the microcapsules is generally 1-200 microns. Microcapsule technology has been used in many process areas for many years. The United States has developed rapidly in microcapsule technology. Since 1954, NCR carbon-free copy paper was first made and its application scope has been gradually expanded. However, the application of insecticide, or after the seventies, especially in 1974, the United States Rennwalt company made of methyl parathion microcapsules, and the first time the best-selling in the market, the insecticide microcapsules only after the increasingly active.
A new style of discharge process from a vertical open-top pipe with capillary outlet is reported. The outflux fluctuates greatly with time and the bulk condense
稻纵卷叶螟(Cnaphalocrcis medinalis Guenèe)是水稻的重要害虫,但是对它行为习性系统研究不多,特别是各虫态生理日节律(Circadian rhythms)报导更少,为了更好地掌握稻纵卷
在罗汉果Momordica grosvenori Swingle植株上发生一种黄化型病害,病株严重地抑制生长和降低产量。病叶起疱、丛枝,最终叶片黄化。 电镜的超薄切片观察;在病叶叶脉维管束中的
江苏省文联“江南音乐”编辑部于今年7月在古城苏州举办了第二届“江南音乐作者大聚会”词曲讲座和词曲研讨活动。50余名学员来自江浙沪地区,现刊发他们的作品,以飨读者。 J
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请下载后查看,本文暂不支持在线获取查看简介。 Please download to view, this article does not support online access to view profile.
线虫DD—136(Neoaplectana carpocapsae Weiser)是一种昆虫寄生性线虫。其第三龄幼虫通过寄主昆虫的口器侵入到消化道后,穿过肠壁进入血腔,引起昆虫败血症,一般经24~36小时寄