得益于时代 奉献给时代

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经济日报记者部主任庹震同志,从新闻界脱颖而出,为全国青年所推崇,荣膺“十杰”称号。看了他的事迹,觉得这位青年记者精神世界中的可贵之处是:他深知自己的成功得益于这个时代,因而要满腔热忱地把自己的才能奉献给这个时代。庹震是幸运的。他走上工作岗位,就遇上了一个好时代。这个时代改革大潮汹涌澎湃,神州大地千帆竞发,它为每个有志者提供了施展才能、实现抱负的良好机遇和舞台。这才能使像庹震这样的有志青年, The reporter of Economic Daily, Gao Zhen comrades, stood out from the press and was praised by young people across the country and won the title of “Top Ten”. After reading the story of him, I feel that the valuable part of the young journalist’s spiritual world is that he understands that his own success has benefited from this era and therefore enthusiastically dedicates his talents to this era. Zhen shock is lucky. When he embarked on a job, he met a good era. This era of surging tide of reform, the vast land of thousands of sail competition, it provides every person who has the opportunity to display their talents, to achieve a good opportunity and the stage. This will enable aspiring youth like Chi Zhen,
影片《归来》改编自严歌苓小说《陆犯焉识》。这部影片感人至深、耐人寻味,本文拟从文革背景下的人物和影片主题两个方面分析其艺术魅力。 The film “Return” Adapted fro