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随着我国素质教育的深入开展,随着普通高校教育的转型和应用型教育的培养,普通高校成人音乐教育也面临着改革转型后的很多问题,尤其普通高等学校的成人音乐教育定位不清,教学内容单一,教学模式单一等一系列问题的暴露后,普通高等学校的成人音乐教育应该从教学的本质入手,做好普通高校的成人音乐教育改革的对策。 With the deepening of quality education in our country, with the transformation of general university education and the cultivation of applied education, adult music education in ordinary colleges and universities is also facing many problems after the reform and transformation. In particular, the adult music education in ordinary colleges and universities is not well- After a series of problems such as the single teaching content and the single teaching mode are exposed, the adult music education in ordinary colleges and universities should start from the nature of teaching and do a good job in the reform of adult music education in ordinary colleges and universities.
噪声引起内耳淋巴液流动刺激前庭器所产生的前庭反应,称为 Tullio 征。国内外有关噪声对前庭刺激的研究大都是强噪声,或强噪声伴有冲击波的混合损伤。常见的稳态的低频低强
In this work, the surface properties of novel sugar-containing polymers, α-allyl glucoside (AG)/acrylonitrile (AN)copolymers, were studied by contact angle, p
秦观有一首《浣溪沙》,是这样写的:  漠漠轻寒上小楼,晓阴无赖似穷秋,淡烟流水画屏幽。  自在飞花轻似梦,无边丝雨细如愁,宝帘闲挂小银钩。  一个女子在春晨独上小楼,观远处,看目前,演绎淡淡的哀愁和轻轻的寂寞。词人以白描的手法,十分熨帖地把那一缕淡淡的哀怨化在具体可感的艺术形象中——那“似穷秋”般的春,点点相映“红藕香残玉簟秋”之凉;那“轻似梦”般的飞花,朵朵相连“轻飞乱舞,点画青林,全无才思”之
Silicon iron peach pigment 510B in Mossbauer spectra was analyed,the results show that there are mainly two kinds of iron phase mineral existing in 510B pigme
HydrofiningcatalystscontainMn Ni,Ni Mo ,Ni W ,Co Mo ,Mo ,W ,Ni,Co ,etcandmanystudiesofthesecatalystsareconcernedwiththead ditionofphospho HydrofiningcatalystscontainMn Ni, Ni Mo, Ni W, Co Mo, Mo, W, Ni, Co, etcandmanystudiesofthesecatalystsareconcernedwi