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梨树冬季修剪,在落叶后至次年春季萌芽前进行,也叫休眠期修剪。主要目的是调整树冠结构,促进通风透光,更新复壮树冠,延缓衰老,实现生长、结果平衡,稳产高产。1、幼龄树修剪。幼龄梨树修剪的目的:选留培养骨架枝,促进树冠迅速扩大,加速结果枝形成,实现早产高产。幼树修剪从整形开始,树苗定植后在80~100cm 处剪顶定干,萌发新梢后在顶端50~70cm 整形带内留7~8个芽,选5~6个方向不同、分布均匀的健壮枝,培养成为主枝,其余的全部抹除。主枝生长50~70cm 后摘心或停止生长后短截,促发二次枝,形成副主枝。在副主枝上选留生长健壮,方向、角度适当的枝作为延长枝,适当长度时摘心短截,促发侧枝。主枝与副主枝上的过密枝、细弱枝、病虫枝以及扰乱树形的全部剪除。长枝短截培养成为结果枝组。中短枝,则强者剪顶,弱者缓放。角度小的枝条采用撑、拉、吊等 Pear tree pruning in winter, after deciduous to germinate before the spring of next year, also known as dormant pruning. The main purpose is to adjust the canopy structure, promote ventilation and light, renew and rejuvenate the canopy, anti-aging, to achieve growth, the result is balanced, stable and high yield. 1, young tree pruning. The purpose of young pear pruning: choose to train skeleton branches, to promote rapid expansion of canopy, accelerate the formation of branches, to achieve high yield of preterm birth. Saplings pruning From the beginning of plastic planting, the saplings are set at 80 ~ 100cm, and the stems are top-dried. After germinating the new shoots, 7 ~ 8 buds are left in the top 50 ~ 70cm plastic band, and 5 ~ 6 different directions are evenly distributed Robust branches, training to become the main branch, the rest of all erase. Main branch growth 50 ~ 70cm after the topping or to stop the growth of short cut, trigger secondary branch, the formation of the main branch. Selected on the main branch to grow robust, direction, the appropriate angle of the branches as an extension of the branches, the appropriate length of the topping short cut, triggering collateral. The main branch and the main branch of the over-dense branches, thin branches, pests and branches and disturb all the tree cut off. Long branch stub training as a result Zhizu. Short branches, the strong cut the top, the weak slow release. Angle of the branches with small, pull, hanging and so on
开展优质护理以来,我们对基础护理用具进行了大胆尝试和改进,我科试将舌刷应用于病人口腔护理操作中,经过1年的临床观察,效果良好。现报告如下。1舌刷的选择 从超市购买北京
回 回 产卜爹仇贱回——回 日E回。”。回祖 一回“。回干 肉果幻中 N_。NH lP7-ewwe--一”$ MN。W;- __._——————》 砧叫]们羽 制作:陈恬’#陈川个美食 Back to yield
肺癌严重威胁人们的生命健康,在中国,肺癌预计在未来几十年内都呈增长态势,动态增强磁共振(dynamic contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging,DCE-MRI)的各种动力学参