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为了弄清多发性基底细胞癌和内脏恶性肿瘤之间的关系,作者研究了196例多发性基底细胞癌,发现内脏恶性肿瘤病例的预计数和观察数之间,实际上无差别。在检查中,有肿剂摄入史的患者,发现在女性中内脏肿瘤显著地增多。由于病例数字较少,尚难证明肿剂治疗可致内脏恶性肿瘤发病率的增加,但却表明需要更广泛的研究作者指出,在原位癌病例中,没有发现内脏癌发病率增加的证据,这一发现符合临床经验。在研究多发性基底细胞癌患者中,内脏恶性肿瘤的发病率也无增加的证据,同样,这一发现也符合临床经验。肿致皮肤癌和内脏恶性肿瘤之间是否存在一定 In order to clarify the relationship between multiple basal cell carcinomas and visceral malignancies, the authors studied 196 cases of multiple basal cell carcinomas and found virtually no difference between the predicted number of cases of visceral malignancy and the number of observations. During the examination, patients with a history of edema were found to have a significant increase in visceral tumors in women. Because of the small number of cases, it is difficult to prove that the treatment of squamous tumors can increase the incidence of visceral malignancies, but it indicates that more extensive research is required. The authors pointed out that in situ cancer cases did not find evidence of increased incidence of visceral cancer. This finding is in line with clinical experience. In the study of patients with multiple basal cell carcinomas, there was no evidence of increased incidence of visceral malignancy. Again, this finding is in line with clinical experience. Is there a certain amount of skin cancer and visceral malignancy?
作者使用口服“甲苯胺蓝(Toluidine Blue)染色法”可帮助内窥镜发现胃粘膜表面微小的恶性病变及作胃的良性和恶性溃疡的鉴别诊断。对42例(男28例,女14例,年龄35~78岁)疑为胃
虽然鳞状细胞癌有免疫原性,但许多人认为肺癌患者的细胞免疫有缺损,其手术的可能性和患者的生存时间与 T 淋巴细胞反应性之间有相互关系。左旋咪唑是一种驱肠虫药物,几年前
肺癌的病期分类,具有明确治疗方针及判断予后的重要性。肺癌的TNM分类,一般是按1968年版的Livre de Porche所记载的方式进行的。在日本全国104个单位中,1967~1968年汇总统计
作者采用 Mancini 免疫扩散法,对一组肝癌病人系统地进行了血清免疫球蛋白的测定。病人分为两组:一组为原发性肝癌25例,均经组织学证实,其中16例甲胎蛋白阳性,占64%。另一组
摘要 本文从美国作家奥尔科特《小妇人》一书所描述的马奇一家的家庭琐事中提炼出其家庭成员所展现的人格魅力—无私、善良、乐观、坚强,并阐述了形成这些美德的时代背景,以期读者能对这部作品有更深入的理解。  关键词:善良仁爱 自立自强 自我克制 乐观知足 中图分类号:I106.4 文献标识码:A     引言   《小妇人》是美国作家路易莎·梅·奥尔科特的一部家庭日记式
Tennessee Williams’ greatest hit A Streetcar Named Desire was the first American play. The protagonist Blanche driven by her sexual desire began to fall, but a
作者总结了近10年来50例颊癌患者的治疗经验,对晚期颊癌提出了外科切除的范围和依据。扩散情况:50例颊癌患者的扩散情况见下表: The authors summarized the treatment exp