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什么是音乐?音乐与人的生活情趣、审美情趣、言语、行为、人际关系等,都有一定的关联。它是抒发感情、表现感情、寄托感情的艺术,不论是唱、奏或听,都蕴涵着关联人们千丝万缕情感的因素。《音乐课程标准》提出:音乐教育要以完美教育为中心,从而培养学生学习音乐的兴趣,培养学生的创造力,以此来达到全面培养发展的人的目的。“以兴趣爱好为动力”是音乐新课标提出的中心理念,与传统的音乐教学相比,枯燥乏味则淡然无存。 What is music? Music and human life, aesthetic taste, speech, behavior, relationships, etc., have a certain relevance. It is to express feelings, feelings, feelings of the art, whether it is singing, playing or listening, all implicated in inextricably linked to the emotional factors. Music Course Standards put forward that music education should center on perfect education so as to cultivate students ’interest in learning music and students’ creative ability so as to achieve the goal of fully developing and developing people. “To hobbies as the driving force ” is the new concept of music proposed center, compared with the traditional music teaching, dull but indifferent.
本文讨论了中学英语生活化和真实英语生活的实质,就英语化生活的功能方面归纳出了几点意见。 This article discusses the essence of English life and real English life
1.What 5-letter word has 6 left when you take 2 letters away?2.What’s too much for me,just right for two,but nothing at all for three?3.What question can you n
表本是在表店里卖的。可就有那么一些表,到表店里也买不到,它们是收藏家的最爱。为了得到这些稀罕表,收藏家们必须展开一场较量。战场就是钟表拍卖会。 The watch is sold i
请下载后查看,本文暂不支持在线获取查看简介。上海农业学报第21卷第1~4期总目次 Please download to view, this article does not support online access to view profile.
徐茂芳,1946年10月出生在辽宁省丹东市一个农家。1963年从双鸭山市下乡到尖山农场,先后当过农工、机务学员、机务统计、机务副队长。1984年冬,徐茂芳决定办独户家 Xu Mao Fa
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