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始建于1958年的兰州铝厂,是中国有色金属工业总公司下属的大型铝冶炼企业,现有职工3484人,固定资产原值14600万元。原设计生产能力年产铝锭2.5万吨,经过不断挖潜改造尤其是经过十年改革的大力发展,现已形成年产铝锭5万吨的生产能力,年上缴利税达4260万元。党的十一届三中会全以来,在改革、开放政策的指引下,兰州铝厂始终坚持一个中心,两个基本点,坚持四项基本原则,以提高经济效益,建设社会主义现代化企业为目标,紧紧依靠工人阶级,强化企业管理,改善企业经营,推进科技进步,各项经济技术指标逐年提高,国家考核企业升级的11项指标,已全部达到国家一级企业标准,其中有7项达到国家特级企业标准。1985年以来,,共获得国家、省、部和市级以上荣誉称号220项。 Founded in 1958, Lanzhou Aluminum Plant is a large-scale aluminum smelting enterprise affiliated to China Nonferrous Metals Industry Corporation. It has 3484 employees and original fixed assets of 146 million yuan. The original designed production capacity will produce 25,000 tons of aluminum ingots per year. After continuously tapping the potential of the submarine, especially through the vigorous development of 10 years of reform, an annual production capacity of 50,000 tons of aluminum ingot has been formed, with a total annual profit tax of 42.6 million yuan. Under the guidance of the policy of reform and opening up, Lanzhou Aluminum Plant has always adhered to one central task and two basic points and adhered to the four basic principles so as to enhance economic efficiency and build a socialist modern enterprise. Goals, rely on the working class, strengthen business management, improve business operations, promote scientific and technological progress, the economic and technological indicators increased year by year, the national assessment of enterprises to upgrade the 11 indicators, all have reached the national level enterprise standards, of which 7 Reached the national special enterprise standards. Since 1985, a total of 220 national, provincial, ministerial-level and above honorary titles.
Windows Mobile应用程序商店的明天好过吗?种种迹象表明,未必。日前,微软宣布将于2012年5月9日正式关闭针对其上一代Window sMobile操作系统的Marketplace应用程序商店服务,
一、机构沿革: 正宁县档案馆1958年成立,归属县委秘书室。1958年12月,正宁、合水、宁县三县合并,档案移交宁县档案馆。1962年1月随机构分设而分开。“文革”期间,档案馆业务