“三个代表”的重要思想,着重抓了三个环节的工作。 加强组织领导。今年来,在开展“三讲”、“两思”教育的基础上,“三个代表”重要思想的学习教育工作动得早、抓得实。党委书记张碧聪利用每月一次干部大会和支部书记例会,作动员,讲意义,提要求。公司党委下文件,发通知,作安排。明确党委办、组织部、宣传部协作配合负责学习教育的检查、督促、考核;把政治理论学习的组织、落实、成效与精神文明建设奖和综合奖挂钩。
The important thinking of the “Three Represents” focuses on the work in three areas. Strengthen the organization and leadership. This year, on the basis of carrying out the education on “three stresses” and “two thinking,” the study and education work on the important thinking of the 'Three Represents' has moved ahead of time and grasped it. Party Secretary Zhang Bicong once a month cadres and branch secretary regular meeting for mobilization, meaning, mention request. Party committees under the documents, send notice, make arrangements. It is clearly stipulated that the Party Committee Office, the Organization Department and the Propaganda Department cooperate with the inspection, supervise and examination in charge of learning and education; and link the organization, implementation and effectiveness of political theory study with the Spiritual Civilization Construction Prize and the comprehensive prize.