研制成功LSY2—1型水库混凝土坝扬压力自动监测系统山东省海洋仪器仪表研究所研制的LSY2—1型水库混凝上坝扬压力自动监测系统,最近在丹江口市举行的验收会上通过验收。会议一致认为:LSY2—1型水库混凝土坝扬压力自动监测系统,系统功能较强,已达到原定各项功能指标。该系统目前在我国处于领先地位,具有一定先进性。 LSY2—1型水库混凝土坝扬压力自动监测系统的研制任务,是水电部丹江口水利枢纽管理局与山东省海洋仪器仪表研究所于1982年6月共同协商确定研制的。该系统是分布式处理的大型水库测量扬压力的数据处理系统,它是由通用运动装置和压力传感器组成的仪器系统。既可独立使用,又可作为大坝监控系统的终端设备,具有自动化监测功能,并具有将测量结果进行月分析和年分析的功能。
Developed successfully LSY2-1 reservoir concrete dam Yang pressure automatic monitoring system Developed by Shandong Institute of Marine Instrumentation LSY2-1 reservoir concrete on the tympanum pressure automatic monitoring system recently approved at the Danjiangkou acceptance test. The meeting agreed that: LSY2-1-type concrete dam self-pressure monitoring system, the system features a strong, has reached the original set of various functional indicators. The system is currently in our country in a leading position, with a certain advanced nature. LSY2-1 reservoir concrete dam typhoon pressure automatic monitoring system development tasks, is the Ministry of Water Resources Danjiangkou Water Control Project Authority and Shandong Institute of Marine Instrumentation in June 1982 to discuss the development of a joint consultation. The system is distributed processing of large reservoirs to measure the pressure of the data processing system, which is a universal motion device and pressure sensor instrument system. Can be used independently, but also as a dam monitoring system terminal equipment, with automatic monitoring capabilities, and have the results of the monthly analysis and analysis of the function.