
来源 :中国卫生检验杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:chinadyh
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目的:了解霍乱弧菌在连云港地区外环境中的生存变化以及环境水体和食品污染与流行的关系,以便及时发现病例、识别暴发、确定传染源,为制定防治策略和措施提供科学依据。方法:随机采集外环境水体,抽取市场和餐厅水产品样共120份,采用霍乱弧菌常规检测方法分离培养并用PCR方法对检测结果进行分析。结果:环境水体中未检出霍乱弧菌,本地水产品中未检出霍乱弧菌,外地输入性水产品中检出一株稻叶型霍乱弧菌,为非产毒株。结论:连云港地区尚未形成霍乱弧菌自然繁殖地,水产品疫源属于输入型。 OBJECTIVE: To understand the existence and change of Vibrio cholerae in the environment outside Lianyungang and the relation between environmental water body and food contamination and epidemic so as to find the case in time, identify the outbreak and identify the source of infection, so as to provide a scientific basis for making prevention and cure strategies and measures. Methods: A total of 120 samples of aquatic products from markets and restaurants were collected at random. Water samples were collected from Vibrio cholera routine tests and analyzed by PCR. Results: Vibrio cholerae was not detected in the environmental water and Vibrio cholerae was not detected in the local aquatic products. One Vibrio cholerae isolated from imported aquatic products was detected as non-producing Vibrio cholerae. Conclusion: Vibrio cholerae have not yet formed a natural breeding ground in Lianyungang area, and the foci of aquatic products belong to the imported type.
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本刊讯5月12日—中国,北京—A d o b e宣布2016年Adobe设计成就奖(Adobe?Design?Achievement?Awards, A D A A)开始征集参赛作品,最终截稿日期为2016年?6月9日。