UFI releases findings around Waste Management in the Exhibitions Industry

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  In September 2020, UFI, the Global Association of the Exhibition Industry is today releasing a report to address the issue of waste in the Exhibitions Industry.
  This report derives from several UFI actions, including the set-up of dedicated regional task forces around the world and the selection of best practices through the 2020 award competition on “Best Waste Management”. Contributions from 40 companies covering 22 countries led to these consolidated report of findings.
  Compiled by Greenview, Member of the UFI Sustainable Development Working Group, the report successively covers conclusions that emerged from the regulatory landscape; common challenges in waste management and solutions; as well as examples of best practices from around the world.
  “Waste generation and diversion is a major challenge in the exhibition industry, due to the nature of the business. While many events organising companies and venues are tackling it seriously, we need to go further collectively, and this report will serve as a basis for future action from the UFI Sustainable Development Working Group” indicates Philippe Echivard, Chief of Environment and Security at Palexpo (Switzerland) and Chair of the Working Group.
  In terms of regulatory frameworks, waste management regulations do not relate specifically to the exhibitions industry. And they vary hugely depending on the region, country and even city where the venue where the event is located. The report includes a detailed insight into the European Union legislation aspects relating to Waste Management, prepared by the European Exhibition Industry Alliance.
  In terms of common challenges, the most pressing one relates to the exhibition stands, with issues going from materials used, responsibilities and costs.
  Another big challenge is based on the need to engage with a large number of stakeholder groups, and more specifically with the Exhibitors and Visitors, where often there is a lack of awareness and communication on these issues.
  The report also highlights the strong achievements from several companies from the exhibitions industry. Identified through the UFI award competition those initiatives cover the following areas:embedding waste management throughout the event planning cycle, engaging with delegates to reduce waste, using technology and innovation to develop new solutions to waste management challenges, and disposal of waste in a sustainable way via composting, donation or wider community benefit programmes for instance.   "Sustainability is key in today’s world and UFI is continuously positioning the exhibitions industry in this area, where progress can be made. This report provides key insights into the current challenges, and also draws the next steps our industry needs to embrace. Let’s use the current momentum to realign our processes, whenever possible," says Mary Larkin, the then UFI President and President of Diversified Communications USA.
  Abstract from the Report:
  In addition to this, the discussions highlighted that limited time between events can add extra pressure when it comes to managing waste in a sustainable way, as well as the fact that the challenges above are compounded by the large number of stakeholders (organizers, venues, exhibitors visitors) where often there is a lack of awareness and communication on these issues.
  Three main areas of focus were identified in the discussions.
  1. The challenge of Exhibition Stands
  2. Engaging Stakeholders
  3. Working with Exhibitors and Visitors
  The report also includes best practices in 2020 the annual UFI Sustainable Development award focused on waste. A total of 16 companies were identified for their best practices and the five focus areas below are drawn from across the activities of these organizations:
  1. Embedding waste management throughout the event planning cycle
  Greenbuild, USA works to embed sustainability across the event. When the show gets into full planning (about 12 months out from the Event) the entire Greenbuild Sustainability Team begins bi-weekly waste planning meetings that engage all stakeholders that will be working during the convention (ie. show decorator, building management, catering vendors, etc.). These meetings serve as an open forum to discuss Greenbuild’s requirements and hash out any questions/ challenges in advance with each vendor.
  2. Engaging with delegates to reduce waste
  Stockholmsmassan Sweden has placed segregated recycling bins in all public areas so customers can sort waste in four different factions. The bins have simple symbols and clear text. Staff in the venue wear vests during entry and relocation with the text "Ask me about recycling". Custom built mobile recycling bins are available that are flexible and can be placed in the halls or exhibition where they are best suited for all different events.   3. Using technology and innovation to develop new solutions to waste management challenges
  Processes Chenel International’s, France,2019 initiative was called Drop Cake, in which the recycling of paper and stand materials were used to repurpose as furniture and other items. Drop Paper comes in various forms and uses (partition wall, lighting, furniture, ceiling), always fireresistant. PCI recycles all of their waste into a rigid panel, a board of 1.20 m x 2.00 m that they call Drop Cake. The process is very simple and does not require any chemicals. They shred their material in small flakes and add 15% of polyethylene wastes shredded that melt to merge the different materials together.
  The boards made in this process can be recycled again and again in the same way. Using no chemicals allows PCI to have this circular process. They have in house approximately 60 kg per week, 3000 kg a year for a production of approximately 100 boards 8/9 mm thick. From this material they can produce some different objects and furniture, some structures for stand construction, some accessories.
  4. Disposal of waste in a sustainable way
  Fiera Roma, Italy has developed the use of an electromechanical composter which transforms organic waste into compost, reducing the volume of the organic: fraction treated up to 80%. This is an excellent example of the circular economy, which allows the reuse of organic food waste which is transformed into compost. The self-produced quality compost is used to enrich the 70,000 sqm of lawn managed by Fiera Roma. The fertilizer produced in the process was donated to visitors through uniquely designed bags.
  In addition to sequestering stable carbon in the soil, Fiera Roma, with the smart comp initiative, sought to reduce CO2 emissions by eliminating the transport of organic waste. 365 vehicles, every year, collect the staff from Fiera Roma and take the waste to the Roman transfer stations and then be transferred to composting plants even 600 km away from the collection site.
  5. Small things matter
  At ICC Sydney complimentary mints were removed, resulting in 520,000 individual plastic wrappers avoiding landfill each year.
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