国家电力公司文件——国电农[2000]442号 关于进一步加快农村电力体制改革的意见

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各分公司、华北电力集团公司,各省(自治区、直辖市)电力公司: 国务院国发[1999]2号文件下发后,在各级政府的领导和大力支持下,国家电力公司系统各单位共同努力,农村电力体制改革取得了很大成效 到目前为止,各省电力公司按照国家经贸委批转的《国家电力公司趸售县供电企业代管办法》,对1078个趸售县供电企业进行了代管,签订了代管协议,其中205个已实行代管的趸售县供电企业进行了股份制改革,建立了现代企业制度。公司系统三分之一的县完成了乡(镇)电管站的改革任务,全系统已建立供电所16000多个,精减农村电工16万人;2000年是农电“两改一同价”工作的关键一年,农村电力体制改革任务更加艰巨、难度更大,为进一步加快农村电力体制改革、加强农村用电管理。现提出以下意见,请依照执行 一、进一步提高对农村电力体制改革的认识,加大 Each branch company, North China Electric Power Corporation, and provincial (autonomous region, municipality) power companies: After the issuance of Document No. 2 of the State Council’s Guofa [1999], the leaders of the governments at all levels and the strong support of the government, the units of the national power company system work together , The rural power system reform has achieved great results So far, the provincial power companies have administered 1078 county-level power supply companies in accordance with the State Electricity Regulatory Commission of the State Power Company. An escrow agreement was signed, in which 205 power supply companies that have implemented escrow have been reformed in the joint-stock system and a modern enterprise system has been established. One-third of the company’s systems have completed the task of reforming township (town) power management stations. More than 16,000 power supply stations have been established in the whole system, and 160,000 rural electricians have been reduced; in 2000, “two reforms and one price” were adopted for rural power. The key task of the work year is that the rural power system reform task is even more arduous and more difficult, in order to further accelerate the rural power system reform and strengthen rural power management. Now put forward the following comments, please follow the implementation: 1. Further increase the understanding of rural power system reform, increase
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