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关于失学辍学,如果听汇报,都说是没有,最多是十个、八个,其实作深入调查,情况远非如此,有的乡镇高达一二百人。最近我市的一个乡镇关工委的同志通过走村串户、走访在校学生等多种办法,摸清了该镇失学辍学的情况:失学辍学的共222人,其中男103人,女119人。各年龄段情况是:8岁2个、9岁3个、11岁2个、12岁1个、13岁2个、14岁15个、15岁46个、16岁95个、17岁56个。按理说,实行义务教育这些青少年都应上学,如果不能入学,要追究家长和有关方面的法律责任。类似失学辍学的情况还有,如超生、网吧、青少年违法犯罪等情况,如果作深入调查,仔细解剖,情况远比汇报严重得多。 Regarding dropping out of school, if you listen to the report, you say that it is not. At most, it is ten or eight. In fact, it is an in-depth investigation. This is far from the case. Some townships have as many as one or two hundred people. Recently, the comrades of a township committee of the city’s township committee worked through various methods, such as taking villages and families, visiting students at school, etc., and found out about the situation of dropping out of school in the town: a total of 222 students who dropped out of school, including 103 males and 119 females. people. The age range is: 2 years old, 3 years old, 9 years old, 3 years old, 11 years old, 2 years old, 1 year old, 13 years old, 2 years old, 15 years old, 15 years old, 46 years old, 16 years old 95 years old, 17 years old and 56 years old . It is reasonable to say that all young people who are subject to compulsory education should go to school. If they cannot enroll in school, they must pursue the legal responsibilities of parents and related parties. Similar cases of dropping out of school, such as oversight, Internet cafes, juvenile delinquency and other crimes, if you conduct in-depth investigation and careful dissection, the situation is far more serious than reporting.
雅戈尔——必须从头做起  民营企业是社会主义市场经济的重要组成部分,已有1亿多人从事民营企业。民企为全面建设小康社会做出了贡献。  有人用一个童话描述中国服装业: