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对河南省不同时期Mo矿的成矿地质背景和成矿特征进行了归纳,建立了主要类型Mo矿成矿模式,总结了成矿规律;进而通过综合信息数据处理,讨论了不同类型Mo矿预测要素的提取,建立了符合地质概念模型的斑岩-矽卡岩型Mo矿综合信息预测模型。研究表明:占绝对主要地位的早白垩世Mo矿受控于滨西太平洋构造域东秦岭—大别陆内岩浆弧,强烈的岩浆活动造成浅源浅成快速冷侵位的粗粒花岗岩大岩基与控制Mo矿的深源浅成热侵位细粒花岗岩-花岗斑岩-侵入角砾岩小岩体在同一剥蚀平面紧密共生,不仅存在“小岩体成大矿”的规律,而且存在大岩基边缘和旁侧成大矿的规律。相同特征的矿产因所处地质背景的不同而预测要素有所差异,但通常可以根据剩余重力低-ΔT化极正磁异常及其梯度模来拟合岩体与接触带,以Mo主成矿因子得分正异常和Pb-Zn-Ag主成矿因子得分负异常确定斑岩-矽卡岩型Mo(W)矿的成矿范围。通过CSAMT-SIP-裂隙地球化学联合剖面测量可有效预测隐伏矿体部位。 This paper summarizes the metallogenic geological background and metallogenic characteristics of Mo ore in different periods in Henan Province, establishes the main type Mo mineralization pattern and summarizes the metallogenic regularity, and then discusses the prediction of different types of Mo ore by comprehensive information data processing The extraction of elements, the establishment of a conformable geological model of porphyry - skarn type Mo comprehensive information prediction model. The results show that the Early Cretaceous Mo deposit is dominated by the East Qinling-Dabie intra-continental magmatic arc in the western margin of the Pacific Ocean and the strong magmatic activity causes the coarse-grained granite big rock foundation It is not only the law of “small orebody into large orebody” which is closely intergrowth with the small deep granite-granite porphyry- And there is a big rocky edge and side into a large ore law. Mineral resources with the same characteristics are different in predicting factors due to their geological background. However, rock mass and contact zone can usually be fitted according to the residual gravity -ΔT polaromagnetic anomaly and its gradient modulus, The negative anomaly of the factor score and the negative anomaly of the Pb-Zn-Ag major metallogenic factor determine the metallogenic range of the porphyry-skarn type Mo (W) ore. Concealed orebody sites can be effectively predicted by CSAMT-SIP-joint fracture-geochemical profiling.
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